Increase immunization rates and reduce preventable infectious diseases.
The Local Behavioral Health Authority is the management entity for publicly funded mental health and substance related disorder services. The agency strives to improve these services for residents of Garrett […]
Garrett Guide is a Community Resource Directory with the framework found at Local agencies, organizations, businesses and residents have the opportunity to provide additional detail for […] is the Garrett County Health Department’s digital footprint, designed to increase awareness of services provided and disseminate information to community stakeholders.
Access the MyDATA Open Data Warehouse by selecting it under ”My Community” in the main menu. is a community engagement collaborative implemented by the Population Health, Innovation, and Informatics unit of the Garrett County Health Department with support from local stakeholders to […]
Garrett County Health Department’s Early Care Programs System of Care provides free voluntary home visitation services to families and children prenatally and up to age 5. Additionally, the program offers a free […]
The Garrett County Health Department is the recognized Public Health agency in Garrett County, Maryland. We strive to provide the highest level of care and service to the citizens of Maryland’s westernmost county. […]
Garrett County is often the lowest county in the state for yearly adolescent well child checks. It is important for the children and adolescents of our community to be seen yearly for this preventive visit where we […]
The purpose of the Opioid Misuse Prevention Plan is to reduce easy access of prescription opiods from relatives and friends through stealing and lack of proper and safe storage and disposal of them.We also would […]
The Garrett County Drug Free Communities Coalition is the defending force for our county’s fight for the reduction and prevention of substance abuse.
The CARC is a recreation facility on the Garrett College campus that serves the college, the community, and visitors to the area. A large part of what we do is to promote a healthy lifestyle through physical […]
Information and resources on how to get, keep, use and understand health insurance.
Garrett County, Maryland, a rural Appalachian community bordering Pennsylvania and West Virginia, is tackling poverty through education, housing, and jobs. To meet the workforce needs of tomorrow, the county offers […]
This group is dedicated to spreading the message about the upcoming 2020 Census and ensuring that County residents fill out their surveys so as to achieve as close to 100% completion as possible!
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) is an infection that affects both males and females and is transmitted mainly through sexual contact. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are over 150 […]
Prescription drug abuse has become an area of concern in Garrett County and the United States. Many people use prescription drugs properly, but nearly 1 in 5 Garrett County youth reported abusing them to get high […]
Club 21550 is a Planning Group that plans Alcohol and Drug Free events for the community and families. Most events are free or low cost.
Tech-savvy teens and young adults who help senior citizens through one-on-one, personalized coaching. Whether you have a smartphone, tablet or computer-the goal is to empower seniors to connect with loved ones and […]
Children receive mixed messages in regards to tobacco, alcohol and other drug use. They are ‘copy cats’ in every way. The ’Just Like You!’ campaign is created to show adults the impact they have on childre […]