Amber King uploaded the file: Objectives, screenings and Goals to Healthy Weight Workgroup 3 years, 11 months ago
This is a brief outline of our goals, strategies and the screening plan for our group. It is based on the strategies that Shelley uploaded. Please review those as well. In order for this to meet the requirements of the grant we are using, we have specific goals, data and deadlines that need to be met. We will discuss this more at our next meeting,…[Read more]
Amber King changed their profile picture 4 years ago
Amber King uploaded the file: Girls BP chart to Healthy Weight Workgroup 4 years ago
Amber King uploaded the file: Boys BP chart to Healthy Weight Workgroup 4 years ago
Amber King uploaded the file: BP guidelines for Pediatrics to Healthy Weight Workgroup 4 years ago
Rough draft of current BP guidelines along with protocol for school nurses and consent from parents to release information to students PCP.
Amber King joined the group Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 4 years ago
Amber King joined the group Healthy Weight Workgroup 4 years ago
Amber King became a registered member 4 years ago
Thanks, @amberk! This is really helpful