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IMPORTANT! Take the 2022-2024 Garrett County Health Assessment Survey (2-3 Mins. – PRIZES!)

CHA 2022

We each have our own ideas about what it means to be healthy and what we feel the biggest issues are for ourselves and our community. For years, the Garrett County Health Department and numerous partners have surveyed the community to help identify our greatest concerns. We are better equipped to make informed decisions regarding policies and strategies and are poised to respond together when data is shared transparently across sectors.

Think of this survey as the broadest brushstroke, with the focus groups to follow as the detailed work to drill down into the specifics of each issue. In 2019, over 2,000 people responded to the survey and we conducted ten focus groups. Let’s do it again so we have the most accurate and up-to-date information to better serve our community.

After completing the survey you will also have the opportunity to enter the prize drawing!

You can help! – Please share this survey with your friends via email, social media, etc… The more feedback we gather, the better our data!

Are you interested in being a print distribution partner? If so, email [email protected] and let us know how many printed survey copies you would like to distribute, where, and how we can get in touch with you. Thank you!

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Written by John Corbin
Garrett County Health Department Population Health, Innovation, & Informatics Unit

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