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Youth Employment Initiative

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The Local Management Board and the Western Maryland Consortium partner in this program to identify youth in Garrett County that are economically disadvantaged and have a barrier to overcome when seeking employment.

Group Admins
Health Improvement Strategy

Youth Employment Initiative


The goal of the Youth Employment Initiative Program is to provide Garrett County youth with the opportunity to gain valuable work and learning experiences in career fields that will enhance suitable future employment. The Youth Employment Initiative aims to provide youth with the opportunity to develop knowledge, employment skills, and attitudes that will prepare them to become productive members of society. The annual enrollment goal for the Youth Employment Initiative Program is 2.

Strategy Description:

Participants in the Youth Employment Initiative Program are referred to the Western Maryland Consortium (WMC) by the Department of Juvenile Justice, Adult Education, Garrett County Public Schools, Department of Social Services or Garrett County Community Action.  Outreach is conducted in the county through job fairs, career fairs and public broadcasting. In addition to identifying youth in need of employment assistance, the WMC staff work to identify appropriate work sites that agree to provide these work experiences for the youth based on their interests/experience.  Once work sites are established, WMC monitors the youth and the work site on a regular basis and collects time cards every two weeks.  

Level of Change:


Primary Focus Area:

Access to Care and Linkages to Community Resources

Data Category Tag:

GCHD Local Management Board

Strategic Planning Alignment:

Estimated Implementation Date:


Estimated Completion Date:


Estimated Ease of Implementation:


Estimated Cost of Implementation:


Potential Community Benefit:


Health Equity:
