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Tobacco Use

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Did you know that Garrett County has the highest percentage (33%) of reported youth using tobacco products in the state of Maryland according to the latest data from Maryland’s State Health Improvement Process (2014)?  Our goal is to reduce the burden of Chronic Diseases in Garrett County by addressing three modifible risk factors; tobacco use, nutrition and physical activity.  There are many evidece based strategies our community is using to address tobacco use in both youth and adults from preventing initial use to helping people quit.       

ARCHIVED - This group is not currently maintained.

Group Admins
Health Improvement Strategy

Tobacco Use


Strategy Description:

This is an overarching group (parent group) to help the community see what the Health Education and Outreach Unit is doing to try and improve this for our youth.

Level of Change:

Primary Focus Area:

Chronic Diseases and their common risk factors: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, and tobacco use

Data Category Tag:

GCHD Health Education and Outreach

Strategic Planning Alignment:

Estimated Implementation Date:

Estimated Completion Date:

Estimated Ease of Implementation:

Estimated Cost of Implementation:

Potential Community Benefit:

Health Equity:
