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Food Council

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Using a collaborative approach to better meet the nutritional needs for our most vulnerable residents.  The Garrett County Food Insecurity Workgroup is a part of the Western Maryland Food Council.  The Food Council works on issues related to food, from production at the farm to nutrition at the table. 

Group Admins
Health Improvement Strategy

Food Council


Create a database of food resource assets

Strategy Description:

Create a list of all locations where free/reduced price foods are available throughout the county.  

1. Research churches, food pantries, soup kitchens, etc.

2. Log those locations/dates/times available in a Google Sheet here: 

3. Prepare the data into a user-friendly format (print and web-based)

4. Disseminate the information 

    a. GarrettGuide

    b. Social Media

    c. Handouts to service providers


Level of Change:


Primary Focus Area:

Access to Care and Linkages to Community Resources

Data Category Tag:

Strategic Planning Alignment:

Estimated Implementation Date:


Estimated Completion Date:


Estimated Ease of Implementation:


Estimated Cost of Implementation:

Very Low

Potential Community Benefit:


Health Equity:
