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Go! Garrett County

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Go! Garrett County is a free well-being initiative designed to promote healthy lifestyles and highlight local businesses and community services to help individuals along their well-being journey. This group demonstrates the performance of that initiative; check out the raw data tab to see up-to-date reporting.

Be inspired, sign up for a free account, and earn points while you learn more about health and happenings in Garrett County! On, our prize shop contains valuable items to make healthier lifestyles more attainable for everyone. We hope you join us!

Go! Garrett County was created in 2020 and is maintained by the Population Health, Innovation & Informatics Unit at the Garrett County Health Department with grant awards ranging from the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission, CareFirst, the Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, and the Maryland Department of Health.

Group Admins
Health Improvement Strategy

Go! Garrett County


To reduce chronic disease and minimize common risk factors by promoting local programs and increasing referrals by implementing a well-being program that utilizes behavior change principles.

Strategy Description:

To promote and measure well-being through broad digital engagement with content curated by the community, coordinated across sectors by featuring existing resources to improve well-being. This group was redeveloped in March of 2023 to reflect changes in funding and programming.

Level of Change:


Primary Focus Area:

Chronic Diseases and their common risk factors: lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, and tobacco use

Data Category Tag:

GCHD Population Health

Strategic Planning Alignment:


Estimated Implementation Date:


Estimated Completion Date:


Estimated Ease of Implementation:


Estimated Cost of Implementation:

Very Low

Potential Community Benefit:


Health Equity:

Health Equity is demonstrated in this initiative because regardless of income, a person has the same opportunities to learn from high-quality information and earn the same reward prizes from various services.


  1. Maryland Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2019. 2 Maryland Department of Health. Diabetes Action Plan. action-plan.aspx Accessed December 16, 2020.