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November Event Flyer Proof

IMPACT’s Docs November Event Flyer Proof


Please see the attached flyer proof.

The first three pages are different font combinations, the middle pages are samples of designs that will be circulated to target a wide spread of demographics, and the final page is the accompanying text and short description. All changes from the meeting last week have also been completed.

In order to expedite this process, please comment below (you must be signed in, and a member of the IMPACT group), with your favorite font combination, and any other comments no later than 1pm on Wednesday, October 9, 2019.

Once the flyer and description are finalized, we will create the RSVP form, launch advertising, and have printed flyers available for pick-up by 1pm on Thursday, October 10, 2019.

Thank you, and have a wonderful day!

UPDATED 10/7/2019 @ 1:15 PM

UPDATED 10/10/2019 @ 12:24 PM – FINAL FLYERS

Discussion (3)

  1. Josh Miller says:

    John – great options! of the first 3 pages in terms of font I like page 1, in terms of the graphic, pages 14, 19 — or one that’s a view with clouds. 14 is very timely given the season.

    On last page,
    – consider using the words “explore and celebrate” rather than “capture”
    – consider bolding free catered meal and mini-grant ops.

  2. John, thank you, we have great options to choose from. I like the third font but am okay with the first one.
    My favorite graphics are #1, 4, 5, 9, 11, and 19

    I’m in agreement with the language tweaks and style suggestions Josh pointed out

  3. John Corbin says:

    Great feedback! Please see updated v2!

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