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Networking Breakfast Itinerary

A collaborative group of ambassadors met Feb. 1st to finalize the event.

Updated post call with Toni on February 5, 2018.

Networking Breakfast Itinerary:

8:00 a.m. Video 10 min—loop

  • Playing while people are entering and eating the breakfast buffet
  • Welcome & Introduction for RWJF Speaker: Bob Stephens

8:15 a.m. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Speaker, Monica

  • What is this prize and why Garrett County won (stress the broad picture)

8:25 a.m. Standing Panel: Charles Wilt [Confirmed] (Recruitment/Collaboration), Paul Edwards [Pending Confirmation] (Economic Development), and Sara Duck [Pending Confirmation] (Chamber / Tourism)

  • In less than 2 minutes each speaker will highlight how they are using the Culture of Health Prize

8:35 a.m. How will your business benefit from our County being a RWJF Culture of Health Prize Winner?

  • Tools and Resources, John Corbin

8:40 Closing Remarks

  • Comment Cards and ways to get involved, Shelley Argabrite

8:40 – 11:00 a.m.

  • Open networking opportunity and Q/A

Post event visit pending…



Rough Sketch:

Still need:

  • Bio from Monica
  • List of VIPs to Toni

Discussion (6)

  1. John Corbin says:

    Thanks Shelley!

    I’ve whipped together a front-facing portal for this event at:

    An event has also been submitted and is pending approval from the Chamber.

    Stay tuned for updates!

  2. John Corbin says:

    Updated on February 5, 2018 post call with Toni and converted to MyGC doc. Thanks!

  3. Miranda says:

    Can we change the end time to 9:30 or 10? That would allow more than enough time for networking from our business community folks.

  4. John Corbin says:

    Good afternoon!

    I’ve attached several new materials to the planning doc including:
    PDF and JPEG copies of a printable/digital event invitation
    Photo disclaimer sign cards
    2 options for “Ambassador” badges
    The RWJF one-pager on Garrett County
    Sample GCHD social media tent

    I have also received notice that the event has been accepted on the Chamber’s calendar at the following location:

    The last two items outstanding on my list in preparation for the event are to send out the invitation in an email to our database of business owners and agency heads on Friday, 2/9/2018, and to upload the compiled packets to the public-facing portal at


  5. John Corbin says:

    Attached updated invitations with no end time, and requested an update to the end time on the Chamber listing for 9am per Miranda.


  6. John Corbin says:

    Attached PDF of email. The full HTML version can be found at

    Facebook event created at:


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