Attendees: Amy Jones, Mark Trout, Bob Stephens, Heather Cooper, Jennifer Lee-Steckman, Laura Robinson, Susan Mills, Amy Ritchie, Fred Polce, Jennifer Brenneman, Jennifer Corder (MD), Sotiere Savopoulos (MD), John Corbin, Shelley Argabrite, Sabrina Tasker, Kimi Scott-McGreevy, John Hummel, Becky Aiken, Mary Van Sickle
KS: Began the discussion with a recap of the January 27 meeting of the subcommittee on Teen Health. HC defined for us the term “Health Equity” as equal access to health care. JLS elaborated on the idea of a Reproductive Health Plan, an idea that providers and others dealing with teens can use in their preventive health care. It could include things like: do you plan to get married, have children (how many, when), short and long term plans, conversations about risky behavior and birth control. KS also reported about on a meeting on January 27, with JH and BA and others about the Maryland Blueprint for the Future (from the state Board of Education). The January 27 meeting was particularly aimed at Pillar 4 of the Blueprint, which includes “Community Schools” (schools with a certain percent of children below the poverty level), efforts to address behavioral health issues, and health services in general (including SBHC’s, or school-based health clinics). JH indicated that SBHC’s here in the county would likely involve elementary schools to start with.
SS asked if there had been a meeting of providers, as was discussed at a previous meeting. KS replied that such a meeting has not occurred yet, but is still planned and has not occurred yet due to other issues on the medical staff plate. He also made it clear that we are looking for members to be involved in the subcommittee on Teen Health and Child Mental Health.
SS stated that he had accessed the COMAR regulations for SBHC’s and that there are three levels of services. He said that, as stated at the last meeting, that parents must sign a general consent at the beginning of the school year if they want their children to be able to be seen at the SBHC’s, but they do not have to give consent for each visit. Minors down to a certain age have consent rights regarding pregnancy and birth control, but not for sterilization, and parents must be informed before abortions. There are three exceptions: 1) the child must be able to give informed consent, 2) cases of child abuse and neglect, 3) there is a danger to the child.
JLS suggested that we should be proactive with a plan, so that when the time arises where Garrett County meets the standard for needing a SBHC or sees a need, we are ready to set that plan into action.
KS began this discussion with a recap of the subcommittee meeting from January 24. There will definitely another campaign this May, with May 7-13 being designated Child Mental Health Week
KS announced that GRMC has hired a part-time psychiatrist for their Wellness Clinic, and Mt. Laurel is also trying to recruit a psychiatrist and perhaps even a child psychiatrist.
LR reminded everyone of a very helpful resource–the website Child Mental Health Matters. They recommend that we try to get a student in our group. She also mentioned the Botvin Life Skills Training, mental health first aid training, the SBIRT and QR Code for resources.
SM wondered about having health fairs at the individual schools. BA indicated that some school nurses already are planning health fairs, largely aimed at tobacco use. SM suggested that other topics might be useful.
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