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March 26, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs March 26, 2020 Meeting Minutes


March 26, 2020

Google Hangouts Meet


THOSE PRESENT:  Bob Stephens, Tiffany Fratz, Dr. Jenny Corder, Jim Browning


ATTENDING BY PHONE:  David Stewart, Melissa Clark, Kendra McLaughlin, Brian Bailey, Jennifer Lee-Steckman, Diane Lee, Shelley Argabrite, Anna Shao, Kevin Null, Duane Yoder, Julie Teter, Maria Friend, Nicole Christian, Lisa McCoy, Donna Fost, Dr. William Pope, Regina Gearhart, George Evans, Dr. Willis McGill, Robin McGill, Brian Bailey, Steve Putnam, Grace Bolyard, Donna Brenneman


Bob called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m.



There were approximately 48,000 cases yesterday in the United States yesterday and today there are 68,594, with 349 in Maryland.  There are three positive cases in Garrett County with no community transmission.


Hospitals are not being overwhelmed at this time.  Our goal is to protect the vulnerable population.



The Health Department receives questions and concerns on the main line, but there is also a Coronavirus Hotline.  It has received 56 calls since Sunday inquiring about testing, concerns about businesses remaining open, and triage to see if the person should contact their PCP.  The Chamber of Commerce posted on their website a webinar that was held yesterday which answers questions.  The site can be accessed at



University of MD Extension Service – They are closed and staff is teleworking.  They can be contacted by telephone.


Alzheimer’s Association Greater Maryland Chapter – Staff is teleworking and offering services by telephone and having virtual support groups.


GRMC – They are in full force.  They have drive-thru locations in Oakland and Grantsville, which requires an order from a PCP.  There are no waiting rooms.  They have ordered extra ventilators.  There is virtual intensive care with WVU telemed.  Staff is trained and ready for reassignment.  Elective procedures have been cancelled.  There have been over 70 tests done by GRMC.


MLMC – They are open for business.  They have tested 18 to date; results can take 8-10 days through LabCorp.  Their regular volumes are down because well visits and physicals have been postponed.  They have cut hours slightly.  Some staff are teleworking.  Their nurse care coordinator has had an increase in calls.


Jennifer Lee-Steckman/GCHD Infection Disease – Where there is a positive result, a nurse does an in-depth interview working through a 21-page questionnaire.  They assure the patient has support and resources while recovering.  The nurses are triaging calls and working in a supportive capacity.


Hospice of GC – They are up and running, keeping in touch with families and going into homes if that is what the family prefers.  They go through a screening prior to going into a home.  They are assessing each request for services to possibly hold off going into the home.  They are wearing homemade masks, so the GCHD will provide necessary masks and PPE.  Hospice will let the Health Department know if they need any help or supplies.

Dr. Corder recommended that Hospice follow the CDC guidelines for long-term care facilities.  Decisions on family visitation should be made on a case-by-case basis.  Persons should be screened, wear a mask, and restrict one person in room.  Also, follow the hand hygiene.


Community Action – They are open with restricted access.  They have closed group events.  They are processing benefit applications.  They have home deliveries to those that are homebound.  They are reaching out to the vulnerable population to check on their needs.  Transportation is operating.  Housing is open.  Approximately half of the staff are self-quarantined awaiting test results.

Seniors – Meals on Wheels with bonus meals are being delivered.  They are ramping up the frozen meals.  They are screening seniors that used to attend the senior groups.  They have added shopping for seniors and coordinated with churches to shop and deliver groceries to seniors.  In-home chores is offered following screening.


County/Kevin Null – Emergency Operations Center is manned 24/7 receiving routine calls.  The majority of the staff is teleworking, providing essential services; water/sewer, public safety, landfill.  The courthouse is open for some State services, mostly court.


AHEC WEST – The visitor center is closed but they are operational through telephone and email as staff is teleworking.

The navigators are working on applications over the telephone, which has changed.  There is a special enrollment period right now.  Tax credits have changed, with April 1 being the start date.  People that did not take insurance from employer-sponsored plans, can now get insurance, including spouse.  Call 888-202-0212


GC Chamber of Commerce – The visitor center is closed, but they are operational by staff teleworking.  They are putting out updates as they get them.

There are business assistance programs available for small businesses if the new stimulus package passes.

If clarifications are needed on which businesses should close and the ones that can remain open, people can contact [email protected].


GCHD – The doors are locked to the public, but there are clinic services available.  Behavioral Health has been given approval for counseling by telephone.  The dental office is doing emergency work, which keeps people out of the emergency room.  Home Health nurses are seeing patients.  Family planning and WIC are able to reach out to clients by telephone.


Operation standpoint – Personal Health staff the hotline, follow-up on positive cases, and PPE due to COVID-19, and are also responding to their grants.  AERS has three nurses, two of them are teleworking, and the supervisor is in the office.  They see clients following screening.  Approximately 80% of the staff are teleworking.


Testing Sites – The hospital has a drive-thru for persons with a doctor’s order in Oakland, Friendsville, McHenry, and Grantsville; also, MLMC, Garrett Medical Group, and Urgent Care Clinic.


Food Insecurities – A survey has been launched to gather information on current situations and possible future situations.  The most vulnerable may not have access to the survey; however, coordinators can take it for them.  The survey will be open for another week, please share the survey.  The site is


The next HPC meeting is scheduled for April 23, 2020.  Very likely, we will be meeting the same as today.  The notes from today’s meeting are in a basic form.  If anything has been omitted, please let me know.


The meeting adjourned at 9:28 a.m.



The following updates were sent following the meeting.


GCHD/Healthy Families – The Maryland Health Connection offices at the Health Department will be staffed week days from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in both Oakland and Grantsville to assist clients over the phones with insurance needs. No walk-ins will be accepted at this time.


In response to the COVID-19 crisis, Maryland Health Connection has announced from now through April 15, Marylanders can enroll in health plans through @MarylandConnect.  Contact the Health Department, visit, use the “Enroll MHC” mobile app, or contact the call center.  Coverage will have a start date of April 1.


Environmental Health – They are in contact with the restaurants. Issuing burn permits and continuing with normal activities, site visits, septic work, well drillers, perc tests, inspections.  They are not collecting water samples.  They are limiting staff to 2-3.


CARC –They are closed by order of the Governor until further notice.


Respectfully Submitted,



Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by:  BAB

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