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February 27, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs February 27, 2020 Meeting Minutes


February 27, 2020


Health Planning Members in Attendance

Steve Putnam                    Robert Stephens                              Brian Bailey                        Dr. Karl Schwalm

Dr. Willis McGill                Robin McGill                                       Lisa McCoy                         Edgar Harman

Larry Tichnell


Staff and Visitors

Josh Spiker, Garrett Trails                              Aaron Hordubay, Garrett Composite MTB                             John Corbin, GCHD

Kendra McLaughlin, GCHD                           Dr. Jenny Corder, GCHD                                                                Amy Ritchie, GCHD

Andrea Davis, Hospice of GC                       Pat Hutnall, Garrett Composite MTB                                        Dr. William Pope

Shelley Argabrite, GCHD



Steve Putnam, HPC Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.



Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes – The minutes from the December 19, 2019 meeting were approved as submitted.



Western MD Diabetes Prevention Program Project – Kendra reported that her department, Health Education and Outreach (HEO), applied for a grant through the Maryland Department of Health, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control.  The grant would allow the Health Department to continue to collaborate with Mitzi from Garrett Regional Medical Center and the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP), and increase enrollment and retention.  This program is for any resident that has prediabetes and the classes run for a year.  They would also increase access and capacity to the NDPP along with sustainability


HEO would also promote referrals from physicians and would reach out to work sites.  Another goal is to involve the CARC for participants to be physically active.  Participant’s blood pressure would be monitored and those who smoke will be provided with the opportunity to participate in GCHD’s Smoking Cessation Program for free.


Garrett Trails – Josh Spiker presented a Powerpoint (see attached) detailing the program and the opportunities for exercise.  The trail access and other information can be found on


Broadford Bike Trail – Aaron Hordubay and Pat Hudnall presented a Powerpoint (see attached) to explain concept plans and the need for the bike trail at Broadford.  Garrett County has a mountain bike team that is part of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA), which reinforces youth development through a biking program.  There are approximately 450 youth across Maryland that are involved in NICA.


They are asking for help and ways to raise funds, collect letters of support, data, etc.  On September 12 & 13, NICA will sponsor a race at Deep Creek Lake State Park, which is quite an honor.


Health Planning Council Redesign – Shelley introduced the Garrett County Insights, located on the Garrett County Health Department website (  The Health Planning Council is to be responsive to community needs.

Today’s focus has been on chronic diseases and ways to be more active to combat health issues.

Using the Community Health Assessment, the sixth indicator is Chronic Disease (cancer, heart, diabetes, etc.) and today’s meeting addressed these issues and the GC Insights give more information and data, which can all be used in grant writing.


An HPC update, there is currently an ad hoc committee addressing diabetes.  Attendance at HPC is being tracked on the group on along with other links and documents.  The goal is to have the HPC meetings follow the 2020 National Health Observances to link Garrett County indicators with the monthly health observances and work together to address the issues.  If you have suggestions, please speak up.



Hospice – The annual Walk for Hospice is scheduled for June 21 at 2 p.m. at Glades Park.  They have purchased the property next to their building to house supplies.


Health Fair – April 4 at CARC.  The Fun Fest will include prizes of 8 children’s bikes.


Lisa McCoy/MD Extension Service – Robert Woods Johnson has awarded grants for Extension Offices to address opioid abuse.  They will offer Master of Health volunteer training and Rural Opioid technical assistance.  An educator has been hired, covering three counties to provide mental health training.


Deputy Health Officer – Dr. Corder will be resigning her duties at Garrett and Allegany Health Departments as of April 1.  We will be recruiting a DHO to fill her positions in both counties.


CARC – Staff will be attending classes to become Water Safety Instructors (WSI) to instruct swim lessons.  They are also looking to academies to become lifeguards, etc.


Steve has been invited to speak at a national conference about developing partnerships to build a CARC and how to recruit professionals to fill positions.


Coronavirus/COVID-19 – Dr. Corder stated that the Health Department is updated regularly, and we are to treat this as we do for influenza.  There is no vaccine for this virus, and it is recommended to use non-pharmaceutical intervention; social distances, no hand shaking, wash hands often, do not touch eyes, nose or face, etc.  On the Environmental level, clean doorknobs, keyboards, and surfaces.



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:09 a.m.  Then next meeting is scheduled for March 26 at 8:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by BAB

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