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IMPACT’s Docs Clouds

(an interactive poem)


I lie on my back in the _________ grass,

viewing the wonders of the _________ clouds,

wafting, floating, drifting to _________.


As they carry my thoughts, I…

think about _________

and feel _________

have a need for _________

and hope for _________

ponder _________

and dream of _________

long to _________

and look forward to _________


I envision a time when _________

I strive to work toward the goal of


My emotions are _________


The clouds make me want to _________

They inspire me to imagine and create


So I will _________


I lie on my back in the green grass,

viewing the wonders of the _________ clouds,

wafting, floating, drifting to _________.


Produced by Sue Lisantti

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