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April 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs April 23, 2020 Meeting Minutes


April 23, 2020

Google Hangouts Meet



Permanent Members:

Bob Stephens, GCHD                                     Duane Yoder, GCCAC                                      Brian Bailey, MLMC

Lisa McCoy, U of MD Extension                  Phil Lauver, GCPS                                             Kimi Scott-McGreevy, GRMC


Consumer Members:

Robin McGill                       Dr. Willis McGill                George Evans                    Nicole Christian                 Regina Gearhart

Dr. Karl Schwalm              Steve Putnam



Grace Bolyard, Hospice                                  John Corbin, GCHD                                          Rodney Glotfelty, GCB of Ed

Chelsie Martin, GCHD                                     Sadie Liller, GCHD                                            Shelley Argabrite, GCHD

Diane Lee, GCHD                                              Julie Teter, AHEC West                                  Jonathan Dayton, MLMC

Lori Peck, GCHD                                                Dr. Jenny Corder, GCHD                                Amanda Shreve, GRMC

Clark Lanthier, AHEC West                           Heather Bert, GCHD                                        Courtni Helmick, GCCAC

Lisa Thayer-Welch, States Attorney         Lori Reichard, GCHD                                        Kendra McLaughlin, GCHD

Matt McDonald, GCHD


Steve Putnam called the meeting to order at 8:01 a.m. using Google Hangouts Meet.  Steve requested that if you are on the meeting, email Beth to be accounted as present.



The minutes from the March 26 meeting were approved as submitted.



Unified Incident Command-Demystified – Bob presented a PowerPoint (see attached) detailing the Garrett County Incident Command structure and roles; the daily meetings; up-to-date reporting; and operations with daily numbers, the testing, and the Hotline.


COVID-19 Survey/Volunteer Portal – A survey was launched in March prior to the HPC meeting and it had a tremendous response, which helped to create the volunteer portal just recently launched.  The volunteer portal can be accessed at  The portal has been designed by the Health Department to aid Community Action with critical digital infrastructure.  The portal collects contact information via short forms and shares the offer with a designated volunteer coordinator who responds to the volunteers individually.


Community Action is working with fire stations around the county to be convenient drop sites for food and cleaning supplies.  Please check the portal for contact information, a list of requested food donations, and future donation specifics.


A second survey was launched this morning to gather updated information of how Garrett County residents are doing and what the needs are of the community.  The survey can be accessed at: or at the website.



AHEC – The staff is teleworking and making plans for when they return to work.  Maryland Health Connection has a special enrollment period until June.  They can be reached at 301-501-0503 or 301-202-0212


GC Board of Education – They are following through on their continuity of learning instruction with students at home.  Google Classroom is being used to provide lessons.  For those that do not have an internet connection, laptops are provided with preloaded lessons.  The 16 feeding sites are providing students with three meals a day and they are receiving a good response.  Teachers and counselors are having team meetings concerning students that are high-risk due to homelessness and behavioral health problems to review additional support that may be needed.


GC Chamber of Commerce – In the process of creating an Economic Task Force to include the Health Department, the County, businesses, mayors, etc. within the next week to plan for Garrett County’s reopening.


MLMC – Jonathan Dayton introduced himself as Mtn. Laurel’s new marketing and communication coordinator.  He reported there are still office hours, but most appointments are done with telehealth.


GC Hospice – They have decreased their visits with minimal in-home visits.  There is a designated nurse and aide in Goodwill Home.  They have been receiving donations of masks and are distributing them to patients and families.


GC Community Action –They are delivering 150 meals a day through the portal.  Housing – they have rearranged property to provide shelter for the homeless that are quarantined.  They are providing transportation.  Staff is making contact with residents to ask them about their food needs.  In March, there were 5% that were missing rent payments, and it has risen to 17% in April.


Mountain Laurel Medical Center – They are in the process of organizing a food drive for in the next 2-3 weeks.


Lisa Thayer-Welch – The jail has no suspected cases. There are policies in place for the staff as they leave after their shift and come back for another shift.  The planned renovations to the center will not be done, but there were inmates that were moved in preparation, but they are not back yet.  Numbers are in the 50’s; they were in the 70’s.  There are no inmates that are in their 60s, nor any with medical conditions.  Misdemeanor sentences have been shortened and District Court is not committing any new cases to the center.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:14 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for May 28 at 8:00 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,



Robert Stephens, MS

GC Health Officer/HPC Secretary

Recorded by: BAB

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