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9/24/2020 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 9/24/2020 Meeting Minutes


September 24, 2020

(Virtual) Meeting Minutes



Larry Tichnell, Commissioner                         Lisa McCoy, UMd                   Duane Yoder, GCCAC

Rick DeWitt, GCDSS                                     Brian Bailey, MLMC               Dr. Phil Lauver, GCPS

Kimi Scott-McGreevy, GRMC                        Bob Stephens, GCHD



Dr. Karl Schwalm                   Dr. Willis McGill                      Nicole Christian                       Edgar Harman

Christie Reckart                      Regina Gearhart                     Robin McGill



Shelley Argabrite                    Fred Polce, Jr.                        Grace Bolyard                         John Corbin

Clark Lanthier                          Tiffany Fratz                            Kendra McLaughlin                 Donna Fost

Rya Lotze-Griffis                     Dr. William Pope                     Dr. Jenny Corder                    Julie Teter

Cindy Sharon                          Lisa Marr                                 Melissa Clark                          Amy Ritchie

Anne Langley                          Amy Fike                                 Maria Friend


In the Chairperson’s absence, Vice Chairperson, Edgar Harman called the meeting to order at 8:07 a.m.  The minutes were approved from the July 23, 2020 meeting.



The inception of the Health Planning Council began in 1997 to foster a sense of unity between partners.   We will look at a broad overview of projects with HSCRC, CMS, Health Initiatives Strategy, MDH, LHIC, and local partners.


Shelley presented a Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission Powerpoint titled, State Integrated Health Improvement Strategy (SIHIS), located on the action group on  The HSCRC establishes the rates that hospitals are reimbursed for services with an MOU involving the State of Maryland and the Center for Medicaid Services (CMS).  It helps everyone to work together to reduce costs for the residents.  This statewide initiative covers three main areas, but our focus will be on the diabetes portion.


The Diabetes Action Plan is located in an action group on under the HPC group. Shelley explained that it is an extensive plan broken down into several “buckets”, one being strategies for health care providers and activities for faith-based groups, community groups, local government, employees, schools, health care payers and state government.  Shelley is a local health department representative to a special work group with Anne Langley from MDH to select specific measures to help the waiver move from discussion to a demonstrative model.  The State will be working on the specific things to tackle in the Plan, where locally we need to conduct an assessment and ways to work together to make an impact on the diabetes action plan.


MDH has given LHICs a small grant to redesign (if needed) and focus on diabetes in a collective strategic way.  As part of this initiative, Rya is serving as a fellow with the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health to work with us, use the data, and tackle issues.  Currently, FQHC, GRMC, Univ. of MD, and other partners have viable diabetes programs.  Today we need to assess where we are and where we want to go utilizing our strengths.  The grant consists of $41,333 that can be used for salary allocation and a population health implementation plan with incentives using as a central hub.  The goals would be to help people live healthy productive lives, and designs a synergistic program that educates on current resources, optimal practices, and points to positive outcomes.


Shelley presented a few ideas to take us to the next level using the Diabetes Plan.  Under Healthy Populations, there are several strategies; present a unified message; promote physical activity, healthy eating, and increased activity.


It was discussed that our partners have great programs throughout our county that may be underused and this could be the boost that some may need and make people aware of the choices they make and the way it affects their health.



GCHD – All programs are functioning.  Flu clinics will be made available by appointment, no mass clinics.  The number is 301-334-7697 to schedule.


AMY RITCHIE/HEALTH EDUCATION AND OUTREACH – She received 150 blood pressure monitors to distribute.  She will work with Mitzi at the hospital to promote GRMS’s diabetes prevention class and with Lisa at the Extension Office.


  1. CORDER – The Health Department has been assisting the Garrett County Public Schools in their reopening. We need to raise awareness of Decision Aide, responding to COVID cases in school buildings and those with symptoms, but not tested. Please see: %20a%20Case%20of%20COVID-1919_8.28.2020.pdf


TIFFANY FRATZ/PERSONAL HEALTH – The flu immunizations will begin October 5, by appointment, every 15 minutes, 8:15 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.  Arrive with face covering, no walk-ins, and have insurance cards available.  Call 301-334-7697 to schedule. There will be two clinics in Grantsville, October 16 and November 20, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.  Making plans for a few evening appointments in Oakland.


Hospice – They continue to be busy.  They have a fall raffle that includes ½ beef and  ½ hog


AHEC – They received two RCORP implement grants for opioids.  They are also working with Garrett County on a neonatal abstinence grant.


     Clark Lanthier – 2020 has been the year of never ending special enrollment period for qualified

health plans and the COVID-19 SEP is still available to many person who do not have health

insurance or have lost insurance.  They can be reached at 888-202-0212.


GC Chamber of Commerce – They receive calls about a COVID vaccine.  As a reminder, we need to push the census because it will play a big role on distribution of the vaccine along with funding, etc.


GRMC – The hospital provided funding to the Farmers’ Market to subsidize coupons for senior citizens and low-income folks.  Cheryl DeBerry contacted them because expected state funds did not materialize.  This is something to keep in mind for next year; COVID’s impact on state government funding could be an ongoing issue.  May also want to start looking at how we can support the community via other sources.


COMMUNITY ACTION – The senior centers have not opened.  Head Start has opened.  Resources are needed for renters to avoid evictions; expecting a great need.  Liberty Street housing is under construction.  There will be 77 units.


AREA AGENCY ON AGING – They are working and planning for when they will be able to open the senior centers and nutrition sites.  They are hopeful the governor will turn the reopening decision over to the local jurisdictions at some point.


SOCIAL SERVICES – They are operational through telework.  Applications are processed online and over the phone.


UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND EXTENSION – As part of the RWJ Grant, they hold virtual meetings with Kitzmiller members to discuss concerns.  One of them is obtaining local fresh produce, which was worked out with Cheryl DeBerry through ordering online and delivery.


They are seeing people by appointment, but teleworking as much as possible.


GC COMMISSIONERS – They continue to work on getting high-speed internet throughout the county and they are aware there are still many without.



GC LIGHTHOUSE – Last year they had a program, Warm the Homeless and are planning to make it happen again this year.  Blankets, coats, gloves, hats, etc. for adults is needed.  There will be donation totes at the farmer’s markets from October 26 to winter.  Donations are also accepted at Lighthouse.  They will also prepare 8 backpacks for homeless persons in the community.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:31 a.m.  The next HPC meeting will be held with the Board of Health on October 22, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

HPC Secretary

GCHD Health Officer


Recorded by:  BAB

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