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9/2/2020 Meeting Minutes

Workgroup on Child and Adolescent Wellness

September 2, 2020

Virtual Meeting


THOSE PRESENT:    Fred Polce, Jr., Mary VanSickle, Amanda Shreve, Dr. Schwalm, Amy Ritchie, Susan Mills, Amber King, Shelley Argabrite, John Corben, Phil Lauver, Beth Brenneman


The meeting was called to order at 8:32 a.m.


Shelley had some ideas for a media campaign to raise awareness and educate people on adolescent health in Garrett County by giving an overall prospective without bringing everyone down.  It can be presented on Facebook, Instagram, email, and other media outlets.


Each person on the committee could take one area of concern, research in, and find what programs, etc. are available to address the issue in Garrett County.


The State is working on the Local Health Improvement Coalition (Health Planning Council) redesign that may allot money that can be used by this group as a branch of HPC.


By the next meeting (October 7), Mary (chair), Fred, Amanda, Susan Mills, and possibly Jennifer Brenneman will come up with a possible vignette to addres  Mental Health, Behavioral Health, and Substance Abuse.


Immunizations and well-child check-ups can be combined.  Dr. Schwalm, Amber (chair), and possibly Dr. Savopoulos and Dr. Sisler will work on this issue for a media push.  This needs to be out by September 14 and include data points.  Numbers of student immunizations can be obtained through the school records and data can be obtained from providers.


These are two good topics to address and as time goes on, other topics, such as alcohol, drugs, tobacco, sex, and the issues listed in the Garrett County Insights on the GCHD website.  This will be kept on the agenda and one topic per meeting can be discussed.


At the previous meeting, the benefits of collecting provider information was discussed.  Fred shared a form that can be emailed to providers to gather information, such as, name, address, hours, insurance accepted, services available, etc.  The information can be put into the resource guide.  Fred will forward the form to Amber to start the process.


With no more business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.  The next meeting is October 7 at 8:30.


Respectfully Submitted,



Beth A Brenneman

Bold = Action Item

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