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7/23/2020 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 7/23/2020 Meeting Minutes


July 23, 2020

Meeting Minutes


Permanent Members Present

Bob Stephens, GCHD                      Duane Yoder, GCCAC                      Brian Bailey, MLMC                         Lisa McCoy, U MD Ext.

Phil Lauver, GCPS                             Larry Tichnell, Commissioner      Rick DeWitt, DSS



Consumer Members Present

Steve Putnam                                    Nicole Christian                                 Robin McGill                                       Dr. Willis McGill

George Evans                                    Regina Gearhart


Visitors and Staff

Shelley Argabrite                              Rodney Glotfelty                              John Corbin                                        Mitzi Wiltison

Scott Hollingsworth                         Donna Fost                                         Amy Ritchie                                        Grace Bolyard

Dr. Jenny Corder                              Anne Langley (MDH)                       Kendra McLaughlin                          Julie Tasker

Dr. William Pope                              Fred Polce, Jr.                                    Maria Friend                                      Jennifer Lee-Steckman

Lisa Marr (MDH)


Steve Putnam, HPC Chairperson called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.  The June 25, 2020 meeting minutes were approved as submitted.



Bob reported that due to COVID-19, one of the things that fell through the cracks was updating the HPC membership.  We have four members that have “termed out”; two members that, if they accept, need reappointed for three more years; and a person that has served ex-officio and should be moved to a consumer member.


It was proposed that the four members that served three terms, where only two of the terms were for two years each; to give them a fourth term consisting of two years, which will bring their service to nine years/or three, three year terms.  The Council agreed that is it a reasonable solution given the current situation and consistency is important.


The Council also agreed to reappoint Christie Reckart and William Riley for another three-year term; and to appoint Nicole Christian as a Consumer Member for her first three-year term.


Letters of recommendation will be sent to the Commissioners for their approval.


The State has proposed reorganizing LHICs and we may need to rewrite our bylaws.  The process has been interrupted by COVID, but the process is resuming.



Anne Langley, MD, MPH presented a Powerpoint explaining the State’s diabetes plan utilizing health care and public health.  See attached Powerpoint.



Mitzi and Amy are working to increase participation in the American Diabetes Association’s screening for prediabetes.  The Health Department is working with GRMC since they already have a program in place and MLMC is collaborating.  GRMC hired a lifestyle coach and Mitzi has a background in the National Diabetes Program.  The program consists of 22 meetings over the course of a year.  The attendees need to reach a goal of attendance, activity, and loss of body weight.  There is a support group that meets after the year is over for follow-up.  Mitzi has led 14 groups over the last five years.

There is a distance-learning program beginning soon for prediabetes.  Diabetes classes are offered by hospital also.



Chamber of Commerce – Access to broadband needs to be incorporated into our discussions.  Nicole has been working with the commissioners concerning this because it is a big issue, specifically to address the need for high-speed internet for learning and telemedicine.


Anyone that saw Meet the Press, their statement that tourism in Garrett County has seen a 579% increase is not accurate.  The number was based on Airbnb bookings for the Fourth of July weekend.  There has been a 2-4% increase for June and July and it will probably extend into August.   There are more people around, but they are not seeing the crowds at the usual hangouts.  Nicole stated that there is not a cause for concern.


Hospice – They are still busy, especially with hospital discharges.  They are having difficulty obtaining PPE.  Bob directed her to Personal Health for assistance with PPE.


Area Agency on Aging – Meals on Wheels continues to operate along with chore services and in-home care.


Community Action – They are anticipating a housing issue and are trying to prevent evictions.  The office is open under strict protocol.  They are waiting for guidance from the schools to open preschools.


University of Maryland Extension – They will be opening, by appointment only.  They received a grant through the Robert Wood Johnson to start a coalition in Kitzmiller to promote the Dining with Diabetes program.


Dept. of Social Services – They are doing home visits and checking on the vulnerable children and adults.  Staff is working swing shifts, but mostly teleworking.  Their office is working with GCCAC trying to prevent evictions.


Commissioners – Larry stated the commissioners delivered the State of the County to the Chamber and the budget looks good.  The Commissioners feel confident that the county is in good shape.  Resuming tourism has helped.


Lighthouse – They are reopening on-site PRP services on Monday with rotating schedules.  They are also transporting clients.


GCHD – Shelley is focusing on certain areas for the HPC meeting agendas, but if there are topics that should be addressed, or if you would like to present, please contact Shelley.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:13 a.m.  The next HPC meeting is scheduled for August 27 at 8:00 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

GC Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by: BAB


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