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7/1/20 Meeting Minutes


July 1, 2020

Virtual Meeting Minutes


THOSE PRESENT – Susan Mills, Fred Polce, Jr., Amy Fike, Amanda Shreve, Dr. Jenny Corder, Dr. Karl Schwalm, Shelley Argabrite, Jennifer Brenneman, Amber King, Sabrina Tasker, Dr. Sotiere Savopoulos


Amy Fike, Executive Director of Garrett County Lighthouse detailed their youth Behavioral Health services.  They are reopening psychiatry care for children and offering on-site services 2-3 times per week.  It is a combination of individual and group and includes snacks and transportation.


They also offer off-site/home visits for those not able to join in person and residential crisis center for 10-17 year olds.


Patients can call to set up services, or referrals can be made by a medical provider.  They take major insurances and Medical Assistance.


Dr. Schwalm will contact medical staff and forward information on making referrals and answer questions.


A review of the BH providers and services for children in Garrett County was reviewed.

Quinn Curtis is in West Virginia that do parent/child therapy for 20 weeks.

Mindfulness Therapy is in Grantsville.  No feedback on them

MLMC – They only treat their own patients.  Some pediatrics, mainly adolescents.

Pressley Ridge – treatment for foster care.  They go to the schools and do outpatient in office.

West Virginia Health System – no sure if there is an office in Garrett County


The Wellness Survey results showed that anxiety and depression rank high as a concern for middle school and high school students.  There are thoughts of suicide in children as young as 10 years old.  Is this new?  Jennifer Brenneman noted that the audience is bigger with access to media.  It is difficult to monitor and information and ideas spread quickly.  With social media, there is motivation to talk about feelings; concerns about being liked; social worth; attention. They live through their phones instead of in-person.


A guide with aps that are safe could be a benefit.  Some are free, such as, Calm and Head Space, but it depends on the situation.  Jennifer has a list and it would be a great resource.  Shelley encouraged everyone to add the names of aps to the Adolescent Wellness group on mygarrettcounty.  Also, bring a list to the next meeting to share.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:27 a.m.  The next meeting is August 5.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman

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