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3/3/2021 Meeting Minutes


March 3, 2021

Virtual Meeting Minutes



Laura Robinson (MDH)                     Fred Polce, Jr. (GCHD)                      Jennifer Brenneman (GCHD)

Dr. Phil Lauver (GCPS)                     Dr. Karl Schwalm (Retired MD)        Mary VanSickle (GCHD)

John Corbin (GCHD)                         Dr. Stephanie Sisler (Pediatrician)     Bob Stephens (GCHD)

Amber King (Wellspring Med)          Susan Mills (GCHD)                          Shelley Argabrite (GCHD)

Becky Aiken (GCPS)                         Dr. Jenny Corder (GCHD)                 Kendra Thayer (GRMC)

Sabrina Tasker (Mindful Roots)         Maria Frantz (MLMC)                        Ula Slider (MCF)

Kimi Scott-McGreevy (GRMC)         Beth Schmidt (MCF)



Ula and Beth presented the programs that are available through MCF for children and families.  Services are free, there are no obligations, and everything remains confidential.  A few of the programs include

  • Mental Health Issues
  • Substance Use Issues
  • Gambling Issues
  • Help with IEPs and they are link to the Judy Center
  • Help with resources for food, housing, etc.
  • There is an early childhood workgroup


They work one on one with referrals and meet persons and families wherever they are comfortable.  They link families so they can help each other.


For more information, their website is:



Behavioral Health Groups and Mind/Body Health – Susan Mills participated in a meeting that adjusts the model.  The Health Department will conduct its first Mind/Body Group next Wednesday from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. with Behavioral Health staff members.


Becky Aiken reported that several school staff members including school nurses and psychologists have been trained and all staff will take part of a workshop.


Internet Research – Laura Robinson reviewed sites that Fred had shared and others that she found.  The one that she feels is most informative and offers more services was Child Mental Health Campaign.  The website is


There are many resources available through National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)


Laura also researched radio PSAs and found a few:  Substance use prevention; talk to your kids; stories/videos/ info graphics that could be used in newspapers or restroom stalls.


Maryland Coalition of Families will take part in the 201 Awareness Week, May 2-8.  There are tool kits available that provide ideas.  Dr. Schwalm will get a group together to create a small campaign for Garrett County.  Hopefully the campaign can increase every year.


Meeting with the Board of Education – Dr. Schwalm, Mary VanSickle, and Amber King presented what our group does and our goals.  Amber discussed primary care and what they see when they do well child checkups.


Upcoming meeting with the hospital – Dr. Schwalm will be meeting with the hospital later today to discuss the possibilities of recruiting behavioral health providers to Garrett County.



Possible future topics – Please email ideas to Dr. Schwalm.


Amber suggested childhood obesity.  There was a problem pre-COVID, but it has increased during the pandemic.  Dr. Schwalm, Dr. Sisler, and Amber will work to come up with a presentation for next meeting.


Child neglect and abuse is another topic that can be addressed.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:21 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for April 7 at 8:30 a.m.

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