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2/19/2020 Meeting Minutes

Ad Hoc Committee on Diabetes’s Docs 2/19/2020 Meeting Minutes


Ad Hoc Committee on Diabetes

February 19, 2020


THOSE PRESENT:  Julie Teter, Dr. Willis McGill, Robin McGill, Jennifer VanPelt, Michelle Ford, Kimi Scott-McGreevy, Jeannie Miller, Jennifer Knauff, Dr. Jenny Corder, Shelley Argabrite, John Corbin, Amy Ritchie, Rebecca Aiken, George Evans, Bob Stephens, Beth Brenneman, and by telephone, Lisa McCoy.


Bob Stephens called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m. in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.



The Ad Hoc group on was reviewed and members were encouraged to join the group to view documents and add data, documents, articles, etc. to the group.


ADA Diabetes Risk Assessment – John is working on getting authorization from the ADA to incorporate their link to the risk assessment on to the page that he has created.  John would like to have this up and running in time for the Health Fair, where people could take the survey on a tablet.  Kimi offered that the hospital could operate this booth.


Western MD Diabetes Prevention Program –The Maryland Department of Health, Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control released the funding announcement for local health departments to expand and sustain the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) in high-burden populations in the Western Maryland region

  • Approximately $65,000 is available to fund each of the three western local health departments
  • Deadline for submission was Feb. 5th, 2020.
  • These awards not to exceed $65,000 each will be for 7 months in duration: February 20,2020-September 30,2020. There is a possibility of second year finding (10/1/20-9/30/21)


  1. Increase enrollment and retention in the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP)
  2. Increase access and capacity to the NDPP
  3. Increase the sustainability of the NDPP
  4. Reduce risk factors contributing to the development of diabetes (untreated or uncontrolled hypertension and smoking)
  • The Registered Dietitian from the Health Education and Outreach division of the GCHD will act as the Project Coordinator and will work closely with GRMC’s Diabetes Educator to enhance and promote GRMC’s existing NDPP.
  • MLMC will be the new site in which classes will be held for GRMC’s NDPP.
  • MLMC and Community Action will assist with transporting participants to the classes
  • The CARC will be involved with providing opportunities for participants to be physically active.
  • Participant’s blood pressure will be monitored and those who smoke will be provided with the opportunity to participate in GCHD’s Cessation program for free.
  • As of 2/26/20 no word as to whether or not GCHD has been awarded grant funds.


PHA Initiative to Address Chronic Diseases/LHCI Redesign – The Public Health Administration is working with the Community Health Resource Commission on a Local Health Initiative Coalition (LHIC) redesign.  With the LHIC redesign, there may be a few changes.  Local health departments will be allocated $40,000 to address diabetes and engage community partners.


Garrett County’s Diabetes Plan will be put together using the data from the State along with information from the surveys.  They want to see movement and measure progress.  We will need to align the County Plan with the State Plan.  We need to come up with good data and detail the resources we have available along with increase participation.


Dr. Corder reminded the group of the State’s goals/visions:

  1. Keeping people at a heathy weight Goal: By 2024, 21% of Maryland adults will be of healthy weight
  2. People who are overweight and obese Goal: By 2024, maintain the percentage of adults with a BMI >25 at 66.5% and reduce by 10% the BMI >85th percentile in high school students
  3. People with prediabetes and gestational diabetes Goal: By 2024, increase the prevalence of Maryland adults who know their prediabetes status by 30%
  4. People with diabetes Goal: By 2024, reduce the age-adjusted diabetes mortality by 5%.


Next week’s Health Planning Council meeting focus will include a panel to detail the available exercise opportunities and address weight and living healthy, which will include Western MD Diabetes Prevention Program Project, Garrett Trails, and Broadford Bike Trail.   The Health Planning Council Redesign will be discussed and show how we can build from what we have.


Google Sheet – A Google Sheet will be shared with the Ad Hoc Committee after it is updated to reflect a tab for each State goal with activities and programs that are available in Garrett County posted on corresponding tabs.


Joint ChairmanshipShelley has agreed to co-chair the ad hoc committee.


Next meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for March 25 at 3:00 p.m.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 3:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman

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