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11/6/19 Meeting Minutes


November 6, 2019

Meeting Minutes



Amber King, Wellspring                  Mitzi Wiltison, GRMC                      John Corbin, GCHD

Phil Lauver, GCPS                          Dr. Stephanie Sisler, Provider       Dr. Karl Schwalm

Dr. Jenny Corder, GCHD


Surgery Committee

Dr. Schwalm met with the Surgery Committee at the hospital about the possibility of getting them to refer patients for well-child check-ups.


Physicians’ offices are beginning to provide well-child checks information.  Dr. Schwalm has an appointment with Garrett Medical Group, along with working on getting Wellspring on board to input their information.



The surveys are ready to go.  The parent permission forms have been uploaded to the group on mygarrettcounty for the middle school students. They will be put at the end of the parent survey to be completed and returned to the school with the survey.  The high school students do not need parental permission slips.  The parents of high school students will be emailed a survey and it will also be available on social media.


The middle school students and the high school students will have the same survey, but the middle school survey will be a paper survey and the high school survey will be put out through emails from Play Hard Live Clean Campaign.  A time will be scheduled for someone from the Health Department to distribute the surveys to eligible students at the middle schools, the students will complete the survey, and then they will be collected.


Home school students can be emailed.  There is a review in January that can target the parents of home school students.


Surveys need to go out ASAP.


The Deepest Well by Nadine Harris, MD

Dr. Sisler is reading a book The Deepest Well.  It delves into the effects of trauma on a child’s brain and how it spills out into health problems as an adult.


State Mandate on abuse education in schools

Statistics show that Garrett County ranks the highest in child abuse and neglect.  The numbers for placement and care are higher than Baltimore’s numbers.  There is a state mandate on abuse education, but nothing is currently happening.  On the elementary level, counselors are going into classrooms to do lessons on abuse and neglect.  Dr. Sisler will check with the State and Phil will email his contacts at the state level for updates.


Insurance incentives for child wellness checks

Dr. Sisler reached out to two insurance providers for information on incentives offered to providers.  One person offered to come address this group or to send information.  Dr. Sisler will email office managers and providers to see if there is an interest in attending a meeting with the insurance provider.


Reproductive Health Data

A report just came out from the State of Title 10 funding on reproduction health data.  The number of Garrett County clients accessing family planning services is up from last year.  27% under the age of 20 years old accessed family planning services.  18.5% identified as African America, which threw up a red flag.  Dr. Corder will work on a breakdown of the numbers.  It is possible Garrett County numbers included services offered at Frostburg State University Brady Center.


Maryland Behavioral Health integration in Pediatric Primary Care

Dr. Sisler has used the BHIPP services and believes it is a good source.  There is a theme for each week with a lunchtime meeting. It assists practioners that have clients with pediatric behavioral health needs and it makes people comfortable with behavioral health services.  It also provides references and information.


Maryland Diabetes Action Plan

Diabetes and opioids are the focus in Maryland.  There is a draft plan that breaks down diabetes with the focus on acting earlier with students instead of after they become adults and have full-blown diabetes.


What does the group want to focus on after the survey?

  • Keep working with practices to get adolescents in for well checks.
  • Make providers aware of resources
  • Corder will work on grant paperwork focused on diabetes
  • Promoting Community Health Resources – Dr. Corder will be part of tomorrow’s call
  • Grants for more education in schools by Amy and the Health Department staff

Phil Lauver mentioned that the health credit is going from ½ credit to one credit in 2020-21 school year.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for December 4 at 8:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman

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