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11/21/2019 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 11/21/2019 Meeting Minutes


NOVEMBER 21, 2019



Health Planning Members in Attendance

George Evans                      Larry Tichinell                      Robin McGill                         Dr. Willis McGill

Dr. Karl Schwalm                 Brian Boal                             Kimi Scott-McGreevy           Edgar Harman

Christie Reckart                    Steve Putnam                       Lisa McCoy                           Robert Stephens


Staff and Visitors

Julie Teter, AHEC West                  Thomas Killian, GCLH                    Dr. Jenny Corder, GCHD

Lisa Sypolt, Hospice of GC            John Corbin, GCHD                        Amy Ritchie, GCHD

Donna Fost, Alzheimer Assoc.      Dr. William Pope                              Rebecca Aiken, GCPS

Beth Smolko, FSU PA Program    Jeannie Miller, GRMC



The meeting was called to order at 8:02 a.m. in the conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.



There was a panel discussion led by Steve Putnam and included Jeannie Miller, GRMC and Bob Stephens, GCHD.


Bob presented the draft copy of the state diabetes plan; the official copy is to come out today.  Becky Aiken from Garrett County Public Schools was part of the committee that created the plan.  This was prompted due to the number of juveniles that are being diagnosed with prediabetes.  Diabetes is a growing problem that connects to other issues.  Nearly one in two adults has diabetes or prediabetes.


Steve Putnam worked in Tucker County when the county was awarded funds to review and educate people about diabetes by diet and exercise.  It was a free service, but it was still difficult to get participation. They slowly improved and moved off the bottom of the pack.  It cannot be solved in one day, but you may be able to help one person.  Educate the children and they can pass the knowledge to the parents and grandparents because they care about their family.


Jeannie Miller explained that Medicaid, Medicare and insurances believe diabetes can be treated and controlled out of the hospital.  The hospital offers a free diabetic program, but it is difficult to get patients to stay in the program for the full year.  A possibility would be to offer the classes in the evenings and on weekends.  They also offer a service that reaches out to businesses that includes diabetes services.  Thomas Killian stated the patients at Lighthouse need help and education, but they are not employed, so they are not reached.  Many are on meds that trigger diabetes.  It would be nice to have services come to them.


There are barriers in implementing Telehealth.  There is a cost issue, no cell phone service, and clients may not have computers or cell phones.

Each organization needs to think about what can be done within their agency, then what can we all do to address diabetes.


Lisa McCoy stated that they have trainers in self-help training.  It is a six-week on-line version.


Other ideas include:  PR, where Bob would write a column in the newspaper; Invite the ADA to the Garrett County Health Fair; Town hall meetings to educate with a cooking expo on healthy eating, free food, and open communication.


Steve made a motion that we put together an ad-hoc committee to address diabetes, George Evans seconded the motion and the committee passed.  Someone from the committee will present updates at HPC meetings.  Please give Beth your name if you are interested in serving on the group.



Beth Smolko, Director of the Department of Physician Assistant Medicine at FSU presented information on a new major at the University.  (See attached Power Point)



Extension Service – They received a federal grant and are in the process of hiring a Rural Opioid Tech Assistant.  They will be offering education and technical assistance as part of the grant.


Health Fair – Sponsorship and booth applications will be available and going out next month.



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:19 a.m.  The next HPC meeting is December 19th at the Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by BAB


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