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10/31/2019 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 10/31/2019 Meeting Minutes

GARRETT COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH held in conjunction with


October 31, 2019




Board of Health Members in Attendance:

Paul Edwards                                      Larry Tichinell                                      Robert Stephens, Health Officer



Health Planning Council Members in Attendance:

Dr. Karl Schwalm                        Regina Gearhart                          Bill Riley                         George Evans

Kimi Scott-McGreevy                 Edgar Harman                             Christie Reckart



Staff and Visitors

Shelley Argabrite (GCHD)                 John Corbin (GCHD)                          Steve Putnam (CARC)

Steve Sherrard (GCHD)                     Sadie Liller (GCHD)                           Donna Fost (Alzheimer Assc.)

Kendra McLaughlin (GCHD)              Douglas Brown (FSU)                        Dr. Jenny Corder (GCHD)

Clark Lanthier (AHEC West)              Gillian Shreve (GCHD)                       Juliet Sanders (GCHD)

James Michaels (GCHD)                   Dr. William Pope



Commissioner Paul Edwards called the semi-annual meeting of the Board of Health to order.  He thanked everyone for their attendance, then turned the meeting over to Steve Putnam, Chairman of the Health Planning Council.



HPC Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the September 26, 2019 meeting were approved as submitted.



GCHD Annual Report – See attached.  Copies of the FY19 Annual Report were given to all attendees.  The report is broken down into five focus areas:  Preventing Disease & Promoting the Environment, Promoting Healthy Behaviors; Improving Access; Providing Community Health Services; and Fiscal Reporting.


New Public Health Laws

Bob presented the 2019 Maryland Legislative Session Update – see attached.


Tobacco age: HB 1169 – Kendra McLaughlin reported, as of October 1, 2019, the age to be able to purchase tobacco products was raised to 21 years old.  The owner of an establishment is responsible when selling to a minor, not the clerk, and a clerk can be under 21 when selling tobacco products.  Active military that are under 21 years of age can still purchase tobacco.  Electronic devices are considered tobacco products.  The State sent out a packet of information and signs to all that sell tobacco products and HEO staff will be making compliance checks to assure that businesses have posted the signs and are following protocol.


Food Establishments – Licensing:  HB 522

Steve Sherrard reported on two bills introduced that tweaked previous laws.  Cottage foods – This allows all excluded organizations to serve food to the public for 30 days in a calendar year.  If an excluded organization has a license, they can rescind the license and go under the cottage food industry.  This allows persons to prepare foods in their home to be sold in stores.  The bill has given the ability to write regulations on this.



Cottage Food Products – HB 527/SB 290 – This would allow foods to be prepared in homes then sold in stores and over the internet; however, they cannot be shipped over state lines.  This would be for potentially hazardous foods that are high in acid, dry foods, and foods that do no promote bacteria.


Steve reported there is a push to form a group to address on-site sewage disposal system.  A board would require septic installers, septage haulers, backhoe operators, etc. to be certified.  Steve does not feel this is necessary, he has never run in to many problems with the installers in Garrett County.


Prescription Drug Monitoring: HB 25

Dr. Corder explained this bill and the use of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP).  The bill would require the PDMP to review prescription-monitoring data for indications of a possible misuse or abuse of a monitored prescription drug.  It would require the program to report the possible misuse or abuse to the prescriber or dispenser of the monitored prescription drug then provide education to the prescriber or dispenser.


Tanning Age:  SB 299

Minors are prohibited to use tanning beds/booths, not even with written parental consent.



As of May, Frostburg State University offers a physician’s assistant program along with the nurse practitioner programs already offered in hopes to get providers to stay in the area.  If anybody is interested, or knows of someone that would be interested, please contact Doug Brown at FSU.



GRMC – There will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at the hospital for the expansion of the cancer care center.  In addition, HRSA will be visiting the hospital to review the activity related to their grants.


AHEC West – Open enrollment begins November 1 and goes through December 15.  There are good tax credits and the rates are down.


STEPS Committee – There will be a meeting at the Health Department at 1:00 p.m.  The next Health Fair is scheduled for April 4, 2020 at the CARC.


The State of Maryland has drafted a Diabetes Prevention Plan.  Steve Putnam and Bob Stephens are planning to attend the Maryland Hospital Association next week to discuss.  Jeannie Miller from GRMC also plans to attend.


Christie Reckart reported that the Recovery Coach Academy will be holding the first step classes toward being a certified recovery coach in November.  This will be a 30-hour course and is scheduled over two weekends. A person needs to be in recovery for at least two years.



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:09 a.m.  The next HPC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 21, 2019 in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by:  BAB


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