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10/22/2020 HPC/Bd. of Health Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 10/22/2020 HPC/Bd. of Health Minutes





Board of Health Members in Attendance

Commissioner Larry Tichnell             Commissioner Paul Edwards             Bob Stephens, Health Officer


Permanent Members in Attendance

Duane Yoder, GCCAC                     Lisa McCoy, Univ. of MD Extension            Brian Bailey, MLMC

Rick DeWitt, GC Soc. Services          Dr. Phil Lauver, GCPS                                   Mark Boucot, GRMC


Consumer Members in Attendance

Regina Gearhart                      Dr. Karl Schwalm                   Robin McGill              Dr. Willis McGill

Brian Boal


Visitors and Staff in Attendance

John Corbin                             Shelley Argabrite                    Grace Bolyard             Julie Teter

Dr. William Pope                    Dr. Jenny Corder                    Clark Lanthier             Fred Polce, Jr.

Melissa Clark                          Kendra McLaughlin                Rya Griffs                   Diane Lee

Cindy Sharon                          Scott Hollingsworth                Donna Fost                 Amy Fike

Kimi Scott-McGreevy            Amy Ritchie                            Michelle Wiltison


Commissioner Edwards called the Board of Health meeting to order at 8:04 a.m.  Bob Stephens, HPC Secretary called the Health Planning Council meeting to order at 8:04 a.m. in the absence of the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.  The minutes were approved as submitted with the additions to the Hospice raffle and Rya Griffs is from the University of Maryland.



It was learned that the West Virginia Medicine Network is not compatible with Google Network; therefore, this will be presented at the next HPC meeting.



Bob presented a shortened version (see attached) of the Status of Health that also included COVID-19 information and the State distribution and administration plan for the COVID vaccine.


Dr. Corder added, if you are exposed to a person from another state that tests positive for COVID, start your quarantine.  Maryland is doing a more direct contact tracing than some surrounding areas.  Our contact tracing in Maryland is done by NORC and the Health Department. The Health Department may be looking for tracers to assist our staff.



At the last HPC meeting, we discussed the LHIC redesign and agreed to embark on something new.  Since that meeting, John has been building  The website encourages viewers and participants to learn and receive incentives.  Points are earned by registering for programs offered in the county; taking surveys; viewing a YouTube channel; and many other ways.





Shelley explained it is important to use existing data from a recent survey.  Life satisfaction, which differs person to person, will be factored in along with quality of life, which is also subjective.  These factors need to balance to analyze the data and come up with a well-being score.


There will be a soft launch as information comes in, and a launch will be done in January.  Diabetes and other chronic diseases will be the pillars for the group.  It will also build off existing models, such as Play Hard Live Clean,, GC CHA, etc. and join with partners.  The grant was recently submitted and we are waiting for approval.



MLMC – They will be hosting Flu Shot Clinics on Fridays, 12 – 4 p.m.  The sixth Food Drive in Westernport is scheduled for next Friday, October 30.  They will be submitting a Rural Health Network Grant with several Garrett County Partners (GRMC, GCHD, Wellspring, AHEC) for coordination of Chronic Disease Management (and potentially other illnesses).


AHEC/INSURANCE – They have had special enrollment since March.  The regular enrollment begins December 1 to prepare for 2021.


GC COMMUNITY ACTION – They are working on keeping people in their homes.  One-third are under an eviction moratorium.


GC LIGHTHOUSE – They have a positive COVID case and have closed on-site Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program until November 2.  No services are being offered, only audio to their clients.  All crisis residential programs are functioning as usual.  They still have 7 or 8 prepared backpacks for the homeless population.  Let Amy Fike know of anyone that may need one.


GRMC – They are currently working on a video for use with the diabetes program.


GC SOCIAL SERVICES – Rick is working with Duane and Community Action to thwart eviction notices.


APPALACHIAN CROSSROADS – One of the group homes has a positive COVID case.  The protocol they implemented worked and it has not spread.


ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT – The have two grant programs to assist businesses with COVID challenges.  Information is available at  Garrett County business workers have done a tremendous job in stopping the spread of COVID using personal protective equipment and disinfection practices; their efforts are appreciated.


HOSPICE OF GARRETT COUNTY – They continue to have the fall raffle that includes a quilt, a Yeti cooler, and several halves of hogs and beef.








  1. CORDER, GC DEPUTY HEALTH OFFICER –The CDC has amended “close contact” definition.  Close contact does not need to be consecutive minutes; it is throughout a twenty-four             hour timeframe.


            AMY RITCHIE/HEALTH EDUCATION AND OUTREACH has received 150 blood             pressure monitors. If there is an organization that can use them, please contact her at 301-334-     7730.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:29 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer

HPC Secretary


Recorded by BAB

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