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09/04/2019 Minutes


September 4, 2019

Meeting Minutes


THOSE PRESENT:  Dr. Karl Schwalm, Mitzi Wiltison, Laura Schroyer, Shelley Argabrite, Phil Lauver, John Corbin


A Google survey was emailed to find a time providers would be available to join the group, but unfortunately, we did not receive responses.  This day and time slot seemed to fit schedules of the majority that responded.


The Adolescent Wellness surveys, one for parents and one for adolescents, have been put into a Google Survey form.  Once approved, what are ways to get the surveys out to parents and students?  Students under 13 years old are required to have written permission from the parent/guardian; an opt-out is not permitted, but can be used for all other students.  It was decided to use online surveys for the high school students and paper surveys for middle school students.


It will be a challenge to have parents/guardians complete the parent survey.  PTO meetings and sporting events may be a way to connect with parents.  The schools have lists of most, if not all, parent’s email addresses.  The parent survey will be sent out along with the permission slip for middle school students or with the opt-out form for high school students.


The adolescent survey will be changed from age to grade for the middle school.


There is a school LEAD meeting on September 9 and 23.  Shelley will email survey out to the members to review prior to the meeting, along with YRBS survey questions.  Phil will inform Karen Devore of the surveys and that Shelley, Dr. Schwalm, and possibly Dr. Corder would like to attend the meeting to address the committee. 


The meeting adjourned at 9:43 a.m.  The next meeting will be determined when Dr. Corder returns and an email sent.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman


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