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08/22/2019 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 08/22/2019 Meeting Minutes


August 22, 2019




Health Planning Council Members in Attendance

Regina Gearhart                     Robin McGill               Dr. Willis McGill                      Bob Stephens

Brian Boal                               Grace Bolyard             Edgar Harman                         Dr. Karl Schwalm

Bill Riley                                  Larry Tichnell              Kimi Scott-McGreevy              Laura Schroyer

Nicole Christian                       Christie Reckart          Steve Putnam


Staff and Visitors

Tom Killian (GCLH)                              John Corbin (GCHD)                                        Sandy Miller (GCHD)

Fred Polce, Jr. (GCBHA/LMB)             Donna Fost (Alzheimer Assoc.)                       Abby SanJulian (GCHD)

Dr. William Pope                                 Clark Lanthier (AHEC West)                            Sadie Liller (GCHD)



Steve Putnam, HPC Chairperson, called the meeting order at 8:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.



Approval of Minutes – The meeting minutes from June 27, 2019 were approved as submitted.


Brian Boal was introduced to the Council as the new consumer member.



Status of Drug Abuse Epidemic – Bob presented a PowerPoint (see attached) to update the council on the drug abuse epidemic.  This epidemic affects Garrett County differently than it does other counties in Maryland.  Prevention is key and needs to be a focus point.


Rural Community Opioid Response Program Implementation – Health Education and Outreach, a unit within the Health Department, has been awarded a three-year, $1,000,000 grant to reduce the morbidity and mortality of substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD) in rural communities at the highest risk for SUD.  Sandy also distributed the work plan for the grant (see attached).


Project Purple – International Overdose Awareness Day is observed on August 31st every year to remember those that have died or suffered permanent injury due to drug overdose.  The public is invited to participate in a local event at the Glades Park Pavilion from 7-9 p.m.  The Stories of Hope and a Candlelight Vigil is designed to raise awareness that overdose affects everyone.  This will also be a kick-off for the Project Purple Campaign to recognize September is National Recovery Month, designed to reduce the stigma of mental health and substance use disorders.  Businesses, towns, communities, and churches are asked to turn Garrett County purple by putting up banners, purple ribbons, purple lightbulbs, wearing purple clothes, etc.  The Commissioners signed a proclamation to designate September as National Recovery Month in Garrett County.


On September 9th, Chris Herren will be at the Garrett College CARC Gymnasium at 7:00 p.m., which is open to the public and it is also mandatory for all student athletes at the college to attend.  The following day, September 10th he will visit both high schools, where the 8th grade students will be included.  Chris was a basketball legend before losing his career and almost his family to the disease of addiction.  He is in long-term recovery since 2008.



The STEPS Committee meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 6th.  They will be discussing next year’s health fair.


Garrett College has added Addiction Counseling to the list of majors offered at the college.


Hospice entered into an agreement with Garrett Regional Medical Center, which began August 1, 2019.  The hospital has designated Hospice beds in the subacute unit for patients that are not able to be at home.  This is a benefit for all involved.


There is a Recovery Coach Academy in Garrett County, offering classes to become a certified peer recovery coach.  The first classes are in October.  The cost is $300 per student.


Garrett Regional Medical Center has received a three-year, $600,000 HRSA grant.  They will open a pain management clinic along with Potomac Valley Hospital.  The goal is to manage pain without drugs and lessen the number of opioid prescriptions by using a more holistic approach.



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for September 26, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. in the conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by: BAB


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