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08/05/2020 Meeting Minutes

Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup’s Docs 08/05/2020 Meeting Minutes


August 5, 2020

Virtual Meeting Minutes


THOSE ATTENDING:  Shelley Argabrite, Amber King, Fred Polce, Jr., Phil Lauver, Susan Mills, Jennifer Brenneman, Amanda Shreve, Amy Ritchie, Dr. Schwalm, Dr. Savopoulos, Mary VanSickle, Sabrina Tasker, John Corbin, Beth Brenneman


Mary VanSickle, Mental Health Coordinator for Garrett County Public Schools explained the mental health services provided to students.  In 2018, Maryland enacted the Safe to Learn Act, which requires a mental health services coordinator for every school system to monitor children in need of mental health services to receive those services.  See attachment for staffing information, services provided, statistics, and recommendations.


During COVID-19 the staff does not always know how the students and families are because is it difficult to reach them by phone.  There are students that received services by phone or through Google Meets.  Home visits were conducted to deliver food and school supplies.


Starting September 8, they will be contacting families and setting up ways to meet with the students.  They will also set up a 6 ½ hour first aide mental health training for the teachers to be able to assist students when needed.  The training will be extended to Health Department staff, working with Diane Bolyard and James Michael.  Amy will email Mary with the number of persons that will be attending.


Anxiety and depression have been identified as areas of concern with parents and students.  Ways to reach out to parents and students include an article in the newspaper; faith based groups, Facebook; public service announcement; and 4-H.


Dr. Lauver stated it has been difficult with students that are to receive counseling when they are not in school.  Mary answered that summer is historic for the difficulty to get people to answer calls.  There are a few parents that will take their children to counseling.


It may be beneficial to put together a packet of information for students and parents that can be mailed or emailed that contains information and telephone numbers.  There are times students are not aware of services or how to contact services.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:26 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for September 2, 2020 at 8:30 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman

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