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0606 Meeting Minutes

THOSE PRESENT:  Rebecca Aiken, Shelley Argabrite, Dr. Jenny Corder, Charles Wilt, Dr. Karl Schwalm



The draft surveys were reviewed and input made for additions and changes, including drop-down options, add an introduction that assures this survey is anonymous, and give more information on questions to enable a more informed answer.



The School Based Health Alliance is sponsoring the National School Based Health Care Convention on June 23 – 26 in Arlington, VA.  It is expensive, but could prove to be beneficial.


Cheryl DePinto, Office of Population Improvement, has interest in school-based health care.  Recently HB 1413/SB 1030 was approved that provides $1 billion additional funding for public schools as per the Kirwan commission recommendations.   More information on this will be forthcoming.



There is a subgroup to the Well Child Check created on titled Adolescent Well Child Wellness Check-ups.  At this time, MLMC is the only partner that inputs data, but we need to have other providers input as well.  Dr. Schwalm is willing to contact doctors’ offices and he will also try to get one person from each medical group to attend ground rounds on June 14th for open discussions and to get ideas on what they can do to address the issues.  He will also try to obtain the names of the IT persons in these practices to be able to contact them to explain the data that is needed.  Just two or three more medical groups entering data would be a benefit.  The more data that is available will prove if the work that is being done is helping the issue.



There was a discussion of how to reach the parents and students to have them take part of the survey.  MLMC sends out letters to get parent’s attention.  Becky will get a list of the providers from Power School that students use.


Charles stated the MLMC does use grant money, but when it is used correctly, it can help pull in patients to their own provider and not necessarily to Mountain Laurel.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:27 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 11th at noon.

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