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06/27/2019 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 06/27/2019 Meeting Minutes


Garrett County Health Department Conference Room

June 27, 2019




Health Planning Council Members in Attendance

Steve Putnam                                      DeAnna Schroyer                                            Charles Wilt

George Evans                                      Robin McGill                                                   Dr. Willis McGill

Rick DeWitt                                         Larry Tichnell                                                  Robert Stephens

Edgar Harman                                     Dr. Karl Schwalm                                             Christie Reckart

Lisa McCoy                                          Nicole Christian


Staff and Visitors

Shelley Argabrite (GCHD)                   Melissa Clark (AHEC West)                             Laura Schroyer (MLMC)

Thomas Killian (GC Lighthouse)          Donna Fost (Alzheimer Assoc.)                       Clark Lanthier (AHEC West)

Dr. Jenny Corder (GHCD)                    Maria Friend (GCHD)                                      Bonnie Paugh (GCHD)

Marcia Ashby (GCHD)                         Dr. Bill Pope                                                    David Stewart (AHEC West)



The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.



Approval of Meeting Minutes – The minutes from the May 23, 2019 meeting were approved as submitted.


Voting on Consumer Member – Sandy Hill has decided not to renew her membership to HPC.  The nomination committee asked Brian Boal if he would be willing to serve as a consumer member, to which he agreed.  There was a unanimous acceptance vote of the HPC members.  A letter of recommendation will be sent to the Commissioners.



Maryland Health Connection – David Stewart, Program Director at AHEC West presented a PowerPoint to update the Council on the Maryland Health Connection program.  (See attached)  They have been available to meet with Luke (Verso) employees every Tuesday and Thursday.  COBRA insurance is available to them until 12/30/2019 and they will have 60 days to enroll in the Maryland Health Systems.


He reminded everyone that as you encounter people losing their job, send them to AHEC West to see the insurance options.


A concern was expressed that the “Shop Plan” is much too expensive.  There is a group working on establishing an Associated Health Plan, where small businesses are combined to become one large employer in order to compete and get better rates.  Currently there are rebates or $1200 for small businesses, but they are paying premiums of $40,000.


Another concern is that in Garrett County, many of the insurances do not consider healthcare providers in Morgantown as in network.




Community Health Assessment

The Health Department, GRMC, MLMC, and other partners started earlier this year to create a county-wide assessment to determine the concerns of the residents.  This is the first phase to be able to set priorities.  The surveys were on-line and there were paper surveys with many collectors.  It closed on June 25th with 2,102 responses.


The next step is to set up focus groups to dig deeper into the priority areas, which are economic development, health insurance, education, and mental health.


All results will be on



Bob reminded everyone that there will not be a HPC meeting in July in order for people to attend “Regrounding Our Response”, a community education initiative to address stigma around substance use and improve systems of care for people who use drugs.



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:-00 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for August 22, 2019 at 8:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

GC Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by BAB


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