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04/07/2021 Meeting Minutes

Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup’s Docs 04/07/2021 Meeting Minutes


April 7, 2021

Virtual Meeting Minutes



Fred Polce, Jr. (GCHD)                         Dr. Phil Lauver (GCPS)                         Amber King (Wellspring)

Dr. Karl Schwalm (Retired MD)             John Corbin (GCHD)                            Shelley Argabrite (GCHD)

Amy Fike (GC Lighthouse)                   Kendra Thayer (GRMC)                       Ula Slider (MCF)

Jennifer Brenneman (GCHD)                Rebecca Aiken (GCHD)                       Maria Frantz (MLMC)

Dr. Sotiere Savopoulos (Cornerstone)                                                                Amy Ritchie (GCHD)

Dr. Jenny Corder (GCHD)


Dr. Schwalm called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.



The workgroup is still in the planning stages, but their goals include:

  • Get into the elementary schools to include kindergarten and third grade in order to document height, weight, blood pressure, etc.
  • Fitness test and health screenings for K, 3, 6, 9 and 12th grades
  • Utilize pilot schools, such as Crellin and Friendsville
  • Tool kits for students, parents, providers to address obesity and the health implications.


They still need to have a meeting with the school system and the health department.  Dr. Schwalm would like to attend the health meetings at the school.


Rebecca Aiken added that this is already in discussion along with adding to the health curriculum to align it with the curriculum.



May 2-8 is Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week and the month of May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

Green Campaign – GC Public Schools will be sending materials home for the students and the parents.  May 7 will be wear green day and the nurses and guidance are to come up with their school’s activities, take pictures, and report on the activities.


GRMC has designated May 10 as wear green day.


Wellspring will be putting posters in exam rooms, wearing green, and taking pictures to put on the FB page.


MLMC is following the same thing the others have laid out, social media, wear green, posters, etc.


Population Health at the Health Department will be putting together a campaign.

  • All handouts, etc. will be in the Document center in the Adolescent Group on
  • The campaign will also be on Go! Garrett County
  • There will be a kick-off video for the end of the month
  • Premiere will be at Health Planning Council


Cornerstone needs posters and materials.  They have been directed to the action group on  and to Local Management Board/Core Services office for materials.


Ula from Maryland Coalition of Families has a resource folder containing materials that can be used, such as fact sheets on several topics, mental health first aide, green ribbons and bracelets.


There will be a display table at the farmer’s market sponsored by the Library.  There will be literature available and other handouts.


Stakeholders Meeting – There will be a meeting on April 29 that includes representatives from the Health Department, the hospital, providers, etc. to discuss what we can do to attract more providers to this area.



They will be working on the framework for a program of study for each grade.  This will be sent to Pupil Services staff for each to review and add to it.

  • Integrate health topics into other subjects
  • Include mind-body medicine
  • Skilled based obesity programs
  • Reach out to partners to assist in presenting lessons


There will then be teacher workshops to write lessons for each grade.



The original plan for this group was to raise awareness of the need for well-child checks for Garrett County youth.  We would like to re-energize the original goals and survey providers to see if the campaign is working.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:16 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for May 5 at 8:30 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman

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