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04/04/19 Meeting Minutes

THOSE PRESENT:  Dr. Karl Schwalm, Kathy Beals, Dr. Jenny Corder, Jessica Savage, Charles Wilt, Rebecca Aiken, Phil Lauver, Susan Mills


The meeting was called to order at 12:04 p.m. in the first floor conference room.



When a child enters into Foster Care, a physical needs to be done within the first 24 hours.  DSS is required to have the child seen by the physician that last saw them, but it is difficult to get an appointment that quickly, so many times they are seen at urgent care.


A concentrated effort needs to be made to work with physicians to get these children in quicker.  Also, a uniform document needs to be created to assure that topics are covered during the initial visit.  Dr. Corder will work with Dr. Sisler to create a comprehensive form.


Referrals are made to the Health Department for counseling that sometimes involves the foster family.  Many of the children need more than what the school-based therapy involves.  A therapist from Baltimore does an in-depth exam and Pressley Ridge is used for counseling and medication assistance.  Cumberland DSS has a provider that deals with physical and/or emotional sexual abuse.


What can the community and this group do to help Social Services meet the needs of the children?  One thing is to get kids in within the first 24 hours with uniform documentation that includes details of unexplained marks on the body, etc.  A referral from one PCP to another can get a one-day waiver so they can be seen by a different physician.



Beginning next school year, Garrett County Public School will look at each grade along with Garrett County’s statistics as they plan their curriculum.  They will work with those in the medical field and with the teachers.  The goal is to implement the program in the elementary schools beginning in the 2020 school year.


What involvement of this committee is needed?  The Board of Education will need to assess and let them know.



Draft copies of the surveys for adolescents (grades 7 -12) and parents were distributed.  Please review and give suggestions.  The surveys will be put on the action group for review and comment.


Dr. Schwalm and Dr. Corder met with health care providers during Grand Rounds.  They need to meet again and get more in-depth discussions about the problems with youth and teens.  Dental Health offices and urgent care centers need to be included.


This group formed to address adolescent well-checks.  Well-checks have been just a part of the discussions and which has broadened to involve many aspects of adolescents.  It was decided to change the name to Workgroup for Children and Adolescent Wellness.  It will be the parent group and there will be subgroups.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for May 2nd in the second floor WIC Kitchen.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman


Bold Print = Action Items

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