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0307 Meeting Minutes

THOSE PRESENT:  Susan Mills, Dr. Robert Phares, Dr. Jenny Corder, Shelley Argabrite, John Corbin, Jessica Savage, Phil Lauver, Beth Brenneman


The meeting was called to order at 12:03 p.m. in the first floor conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.  The minutes from the February 7th meeting were approved as submitted.



School Health Literacy Curriculum Follow-up – Phil Lauver reported that Garrett County Public Schools (GCPS) met with Worcester County concerning their health curriculum.  Worcester County is willing to share the curriculum that they developed.  GCPS would need to work out a one-year budget to include the expense for the stipend paid to staff for the summer workshops.  Mountain Laurel Medical Center will help to fund this initiative.  It was decided that Becky Aiken will be the point of contact for GCPS.  It is hopeful that the health curriculum could begin this fall.


Dr. Corder reached out to Atlantic General Hospital to understand their budget breakdown and will present it to the group when she receives approval.  Her contact, Julia Perrotta, Health Literacy Liaison, will make a copy of the grants they applied for and received.  This information will add to the duplication of the program for Garrett County.


Approval of Print Materials – John has created tips for the community when using printed materials.  They can be personalized by adding facility names; specific for girls or boys; sports, band, or neither.


MOU Status Between GCPS and GCHD – We have found that a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) would need to be created for specific topics and specific data.  A list of MOUs from National Neighborhood Indictors Partnership was distributed to be used as guidelines in the development of an MOU for School Based Health Center (SBHC).  John is well versed on this subject and should be involved with the creation of MOUs.


Medical Staff Meeting – Dr. Corder and Dr. Schwalm attended the meeting at the hospital on February 21st.  They presented the results of the practitioner’s survey.  They were well received.



General Report on SBHC in MD – Dr. Corder did some research (see handout) and found information on SBHC in Maryland from the State’s website.  It gives a brief overview of the growth in this initiative.


Maryland Minor Health Care Laws – Dr. Phares distributed the first page of a five-page document from the People’s Law Library of Maryland titled, Youth Health Law; Parental Knowledge or Consent (see attached).  In an emergency situation, where neither parent is available, a minor can consent to medical treatment.  Parents can sign a legal document called Health Care Authorization, designating who has the right to make health care decisions for their child.  The document goes on to detail Kinship Care Consent, emotional abuse by parents, permission for an abortion, etc.  The website is noted on the bottom of the handout.


Bright Futures Guide – This is a national promotion and prevention initiative led by the American Academy of Pediatrics.  Dr. Phares purchased a resource guide that provides health care professionals with updated recommendations for pediatric health promotion that he passed around for view.  He then showed a Bright Futures video detailing the importance of children’s health and that it is everyone’s business and takes utilizing partner’s services.  The video will be uploaded to Adolescent Well Child Check.


Survey Development for Youth and Parents John will start a document as a survey draft on Adolescent Well-Child with the topic as adolescent visits.  Students will be asked to take the survey and we also need to get parents and health care providers input.


Action Group(s) on – There are groups for issues, such as, tobacco use, vaping, underage drinking, etc. that have their own group.  All of these issues should work together.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 1:35 p.m.  The next Adolescent Well-Child Workgroup meeting is scheduled for April 4th at 12:00 p.m. in Conference Rooms B & C of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman


Bold print = Action Items

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