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03/04/2020 Minutes


March 4, 2020


THOSE PRESENT:  Dr. Karl Schwalm, Amber King, John Corbin, Fred Polce, Jr., Dr. Jenny Corder


Adolescent Well Checks

Dr. Schwalm spoke to Sammi Turner with MD Physicians care.  She works in Quality Outreach Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS).  They discussed how well the plans give service and care to members, including preventative measures and adolescent health. There are 1208 members aged 12-21 in MD Physician’s Care in Garrett County (3% of total in Maryland). 5-10% of the population is not captured because of the age range of 12-21 years old; sick visits that turn into wellness visits, but not reported; and free sports visits that parents believe are the same as a wellness check-up.


Maryland’s Physicians Care offers patient incentives for wellness check-ups.  The incentives is a quarterly raffle of a significant prize.  Provider incentives are for practices with at least 1000 patients and we only have 1208 members in the County.


She will look more into Garrett County statistics and get back to Dr. Schwalm.  Dr. Schwalm will also look into West Virginia since 20%-30% clients are from there.


School Survey Update

The surveys are being tabulated, things need to be de-identified and then the results can be released.

The responses/participation is as follows:

Middle school parents – 327

Middle school students – 317

High school parents – 131, which is a good response for only two emails went out

High school students – 39, emails were sent out, but only 21% were opened


Offering incentive would have helped.  Itunes work well.  One gift care for each school would be best.  On Social Media, you need to pay for an ad to add a link.


Phil Lauver will check to see if the texting option can be used.  He will email when he gets an answer.



Most school-based grants are for mental health.  Substance use is not provided in elementary services.  More staff is recommended in schools, but funds are not available.  The majority of the students are seen 15-20 minutes in a school setting.


The Governor’s Office funding provides for trauma informed care when there is a parent that is incarcerated.  Make sure it includes the person that is incarcerated, not just focused on the child, work with both.  Promote education, employment, etc.

The Health Department posts grants regularly and there are funds available, but who can be partnered and do the work to obtain these grants.


There is $600,000 school tele-health funds available.  If there are 400 children in the program, by charging insurance for well-child checks and charge nothing for those that do not have insurance.  Could do something similar with a focus on the well-child checks.


Regrouping for USDA grant.  Incorporate a primary caregiver for students and families.  Provide wellness checks, targeting those that do not have a provider.


School-based Health Care – There is potentially something there and Becky is looking into it.  Billing will need to be worked out to sustain a clinic.


Action Items

Extend the school surveys a month or two after it is determined if texts and messages can be sent.


Amber King will check with billing about reimbursement for SBIRT.


COVID-19 – Take precautions as you would for viruses.  A good time to emphasize what the common sense things to do.  Students can be carriers to babies, parents, grandparents.


Tests can be ordered through the state lab, but there is a capacity.  Private labs need to obtain FDA approval to run their tests.


Grants – This is open season and a perfect time for Adolescent Well Child on under “Get Involved Funding Opportunities”.  Some are simple forms, federal grants require a little more.


Next Wednesday, March 11, MDLOGIX will be here from 1 – 3 p.m.  It is a platform for some of the Health Department services.  If you want to learn more about testing and SBIRT screening, or if there are IT people from the school system, please attend.  No registry required.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for March 4 at 8 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman

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