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0203 Meeting Minutes


February 3, 2021

Virtual Meeting Minutes



Laura Robinson (MDH)                     Fred Polce, Jr. (GCHD)                      Jennifer Brenneman (GCHD)

Dr. Phil Lauver (GCPS)                     Dr. Karl Schwalm (Retired MD)        Mary VanSickle (GCHD)

John Corbin (GCHD)                         Dr. Stephanie Sisler (Pediatrician)     Amy Ritchie (GCHD)

Amber King (Wellspring Med)          Amy Fike (GC Lighthouse)                Susan Mills (GCHD)

Beck Aiken (GCPS)


Dr. Sisler, Amber, and Dr. Schwalm met with Paul Edwards to discuss the required sports physicals in Garrett County and the importance of a well-child visit.  Paul will discuss this with the athletic directors for both schools and have them encourage student athletes to get a wellness physical in place of a sports physical that is usually not done by their own provider.  A letter is being created that will be sent out with the physical forms.


On February 9, Dr. Sisler, Mary VanSickle, Dr. Lauver, and Dr. Schwalm will be part of the Board of Education agenda.  They will share information and statistics that detail teenage drinking and smoking problems, and then focus on the behavioral health issues facing children and adolescents.  The goal would be to increase the numbers of counselors in the county.


Dr. Schwalm spoke to Kimi Scott-McGreevy at GCMH around Christmas time to encourage the hospital to follow through with getting more counselors in Garrett County.  Dr. Lauver added that the school counselors have the skills to do the therapy, but not the time.


Lighthouse is still attempting to open their adolescent PRP program.  They are looking for a licensed mental health professional to head the program.  They have the grant funding and the location.


Scott Richardson is the coordinator for the Transition Age Youth Program (TAY), which is a collaborative effort between the GC Board of Education and the GC Behavioral Health Authority.  The program provides services for 13 year olds and up that are enrolled in behavioral health system.  It is an excellent program; however, there are limitations to the amount of students that can enroll.  Fred will email more information.


Dr. Schwalm, Mary VanSickle, and Amy Fike will schedule a time to meet with Mark Boucot and Kimi Scott-McGreevy about ways to work together to recruit adolescent behavioral health counselors.


Dr. Sisler met with Dr. Schwalm to come up with an awareness campaign and find ways to normalize behavioral health issues using Facebook, newspaper, and videos for Go! Garrett County.


Dr. Sisler, Amber, and Dr. Schwalm will draft a memo to providers discussing the behavioral health issues this group is addressing along with a link to resources and forms.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:20 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for March 3 at 8:30 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman


BOLD = Action Item

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