02/28/2019 Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 02/28/2019 Meeting Minutes


Garrett County Health Department Conference Room

February 28, 2019



Health Planning Council Members in Attendance

Steve Putnam                                    Robin McGill                                       Dr. Willis McGill                Robert Stephens

Larry Tichnell                                      Dr. Karl Schwalm                              Charles Wilt                        Christie Reckart

Edgar Harman                                    Regina Gearhart


Staff and Visitors

Sue Lisantti (The Reading Station)                            Tammy Stewart (US Cellular)                       Donna Fost (GC Alzheimer Assn)

Dr. Bill Pope                                                                       Andrea Davis (Hospice)                                 Dr. Jennifer Corder (GCHD)

Fred Polce (GCHD)                                                          Shelley Argabrite (GCHD)                              John Corbin (GCHD)

Caroline Argabrite (The Reading Station)



HPC Chairman Steve Putnam called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. in the first floor conference room.




The minutes from the January 24, 2019 meeting were approved as submitted.



As per the bylaws, a pharmacist is required to be part of the Health Planning Council.  Robbin Skipper has filled the position for a few years, but has stepped down.  If anyone has an idea for a person to fill this position, please let Bob know.  It would be helpful to have a retired pharmacist so they would be available to attend the 8:00 a.m. HPC meetings.




Shelley presented a brief overview.  (see attached PowerPoint) The framework of the CHA is made up of secondary data, which is a problem because it is out of date by the time it is published.  They are trying to bridge the gap between the 2016 and the 2019 assessments.  There will be a questionnaire that will be tied into the Health Fair in April.  Using that information along with information from mygarrettcounty.com is intended to make the data more current.



In 2017, Sue Lisantti began the Reading Station, offering free reading assistance to students and adults.  Currently the ages span from 6 to 72 and there is a waiting list.  A second site was opened in Northern Middle School.


Students receive 40 minutes once or twice a week; 25 minutes reading skills and 15-20 minutes reading.  A board of retired teachers assess each student and each lesson is planned for a student’s specific need.  They can also teach groups if needed.


Caroline is a volunteer at the center.  She assists young students with reading and does some office work which includes updating mygarrettcounty.com. When Ms. Lisantti began the Reading Station, there was no literacy data for Garrett County.  There was trouble collecting data; some came from the schools, but their data comes from standardized testing.  The Planning Tool will help in collecting data that can be used when applying for grants.


Through “The Future of Good Program”, US Cellular has selected 16 young humanitarians under 16 for inspirational acts of good they do in their communities.  Each receives $10,000 to go towards furthering their cause.  Caroline applied for this award and was one of the 16 chosen to continue the programs at the Reading Station.



There is a new feature on mygarrettcounty.com.  Under the “Community Forum” there are funding opportunities that can be accessed for organizations.  You can also see grants that have been submitted and information on how to submit a grant.



Bob shared a video sponsored by Maryland Rural Health that highlights the Buprenorphine Program at the Health Department and includes health department staff.



Hospice – They will be sponsoring the annual Walk for Hospice on June 16th at 2 PM at Glades Park.  It is their largest fundraiser.  Flyers can be picked up at their office.


Mountain Laurel Medical Center – The STEPS Committee will be holding the 2019 Health Fair on April 13th at 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the CARC.  Please contact Charles if you would like to assist the STEPS committee.  Also, a Partner in Health award is given to an individual and a group at the Health Fair.  The application is available on mygarrettcounty.com and will also be on the garretthealth.org site.  If you would like to be on the review committee for the award, please contact Bob.


There is currently a phone survey that is offering $30 to participants that complete the survey.  It is a national survey of drug and health.  This is a legitimate survey.


Steve Putnam reminded everyone to go share what you learn at these meetings with family, co-workers, friends, etc.  If we do not spread this information, others will not know.



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:02 a.m.  The next HPC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 28th at 8:00 a.m. in the Health Department conference room.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by:  BAB

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