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02/25/2021 HPC Meeting Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 02/25/2021 HPC Meeting Minutes



February 25, 2021


Brian Bailey, MLMC                                        Duane Yoder, GCCAC             Dr. Phil Lauver, GCPS

Lisa McCoy, U of MD Extension                      Robert Stephens, GCHD           Kimi Scott-McGreevy, GRMC

Larry Tichnell, GC Commissioner                     Rick DeWitt, GCSS



Brian Boal                    Nicole Christian                       Regina Gearhart                       Edgar Harman

Robin McGill               Dr. Willis McGill                      Steve Putnam                           Dr. Karl Schwalm




Dr. Jenny Corder          Jennifer Barnhart                      Fred Polce, Jr.                           Clark Lanthier

Grace Bolyard              Catie Brenneman                      Kaitlyn Glotfelty                      Rodney Glotfelty

John Corbin                 Dr. William Pope                      Shelley Argabrite                     Donna Fost

Scott Hollingsworth      Rya Griffis                               Cindy Sharon                           Amy Fike

Melissa Clark               Thomas George                        Kendra McLaughlin                  Rebecca Aiken

Maria Friend


Edgar Harman, Vice Chairperson called the virtual meeting to order at 8:02 a.m.  The meeting minutes from January 28, 2021 were approved as submitted.



Jennifer Barnhart presented a Powerpoint that detailed the apprentice program.  (See attached)  Her contact information is [email protected].


The following link has projections for Community Health Workers from 2016-2030.  Estimates for the ration of CHA and population are provided.



Bob presented a Powerpoint showing where Maryland is and where Garrett County are in number of positive cases. (See attached).


Vaccine has been distributed to Mountain Laurel Medical Center, Walmart, Walgreens (Oakland and Grantsville).  There will be a mass vaccination clinic in Charles County at a minor league field and there is talk of a mass vaccination clinic in Hagerstown for western Maryland.  FEMA and the State are working together in planning a vaccination clinic for Allegany and Garrett County.  Both counties have adequate sites, so possibly they will allow us to remain at those sites and supply assistance.


Dr. Corder stated that the FDA Advisory Commission will be reviewing the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and then vote on Sunday afternoon to possibly grant the vaccine a EUA.  The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is manufactured differently than Moderna and Pfizer and only requires one dose.  Testing is ongoing to determine if two doses would add more protection than one.



Health Insurance Program/Clark Lanthier – If you send Clark an email, he will respond with current information about Special Enrollment Periods, possible increases in tax credits, possible higher income limits, how to schedule appointments with local Navigators, and links to videos explaining various parts of the ACA.  His email address is:  [email protected].


Garrett County Community Action Committee/Duane Yoder – Programs and staff are continuing to provide services.  The home visitors and teaching staff have received their vaccines.  They are continuing to help with rental and housing issues.


GC Commissioners/Larry Tichnell – They are working on the budget for FY2022


University of Maryland Extension/Lisa McCoy – They are still teleworking with the goal of in-person by spring.


Board of Education/Dr. Phil Lauver and Rebecca Aiken – They are preparing for March 1 with the return of select populations and March 15 of the return of all students that want to return.  They will attend four full days with Wednesday being virtual.


The Workgroup on Child and Adolescent Health is addressing mental health in adolescents and they are looking at this as a focus as schools open.


They are beginning a testing program if a staff member or student is experiencing symptoms or has been in close contact with a person that tests positive for COVID.  The Health Department will test family members, etc.


Garrett County Health Department/Bob Stephens – Testing is still provided here and at the MedCo building.


Area Agency on Aging/Regina Gearhart – Meals on Wheels continues to deliver meals.  They have been assisting the Health Department in transporting the elderly for vaccine.


Garrett County Social Services/Rick DeWitt – Their staff continue to telework, only coming into the office when there are appointments.  Applications for benefits are on-line.


Wellspring Family Medicine/Thomas George – The practice is adding Dr. Shaffer, an obstetrics and family medicine physician.


GCHD Population Health/Shelley Argabrite – John and she have submitted for the second round of LHIC funding.


Go! Garrett County is always looking for videos and posts.   Please forward items to Shelley.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:23 a.m.  The next virtual HPC meeting is scheduled for March 25 at 8:00 a.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Garrett County Health Officer

HPC Secretary


Recorded by BAB

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