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01/24/19 Minutes

Health Planning Council’s Docs 01/24/19 Minutes


Garrett County Health Department Conference Room

January 24, 2019



Health Planning Council Members in Attendance

Robert Stephens                                                             Phil Lauver                                                          Dr. Karl Schwalm

Mark Boucot                                                                      Charles Wilt                                                        Christie Reckart


Staff and Visitors

Sadie Liller (GCHD)                                                         Dr. Jenny Corder (GCHD)                              Grace Bolyard (Hospice)

David Yoder (GCPS)                                                         Liz Gilbert (GCPS)                                             Connie Uphold (GCPS)

Rodney Glotfelty (GCB of Ed)                                      Laura Schroyer (MLMC)                                 John Corbin (GCHD)

Dr. William Pope                                                              Gloria Miller (GCPS)                                        Kendra McLaughlin (GCHD)

Rebecca Fike (GCPS)                                                       Adrienne Ingram (SX)                                     Amy Ritchie (GCHD)

Theresa Harvey



The HPC meeting was called to order at 8:03 a.m. by Secretary Bob Stephens in the absence of Chairperson Steve Putnam and Vice Chairperson Edgar Harman.


In the event there is inclement weather on a day Health Planning Council is set to meet, we will follow the school schedule.  If there is a two-hour delay, HPC will begin at 10:00 a.m. and if the schools are closed for the day, the meeting will be cancelled.


Robbin Skipper is stepping down from the pharmacist position on HPC.  Please let Bob know of a pharmacist that may be able to fill the vacancy.




The minutes from the October 25, 2018 meeting were approved as submitted.




To summarize and refresh, Dr. Corder stated that what initiated this workgroup was due to the YRBS data that shows the teens in our county rank the worst of all the counties in Maryland in well checks.  The group believes that if we can get them in early, a relationship can be built and topics such as drugs, sex, birth control, suicide, etc. can be discussed.


Dr. Schwalm has spoken to every doctor and provider in the county.  The schools are part of the team also.  Things that have been part of the discussions include school-based clinics, incentives for students and/or parents, transportation.  They are trying to think outside the box.  Medicaid and most insurances cover yearly check-ups, but many times it is not taken advantage of.


The group is addressing problems that play into the issue.  Dr. Corder then shared the results of a survey done with the providers.  They survey shows we need to reach out to parents to create an awareness and work with schools and providers.

The group meets on a monthly basis.  Please contact the Health Department for meeting dates and times.


This committee meets quarterly in conjunction with HPC and then in a separate Board of Education meeting.  Their agenda includes:

  1. Update on School Flu Clinics – will be discussed at their meeting.  Flu mist will be looked at for next year
  2. Status of school immunizations
  3. GCHD Maternal Child Health Grant
  4. GCHD Stand Together Initiative has developed a Speakers Bureau to address drug education.
  5. Use and availability of agency presenters for school health lessons – They will be working on this to get

speakers and see what is available for the students.

  1. GCHD and GCPS high school’s collaboration tracks aggregate data of high school health student’s BMI
  2.   Chris Herren to speak about drugs and addiction to the two high schools on September 10, 2019

Financial support is being sought to provide an evening community presentation.  He suffered with

addiction and was kicked off Boston Celtics and now does motivational speaking and came up with the

Purple initiative.

  1. MSDE workshop on December 13th at Washington County Board of Education – This workshop was to help teachers look at violence and assist students work through issues.  It was a diverse group, not just         teachers.  They showed lesson plans and how to model lessons.  The Dove Center also works with the                 students.
  2. Update on School Wellness Committees and activities – focusing activities with staff and students and

set a model for the way students are to act.



GRMC – They opened the new Behavioral Health center yesterday located in the lower level of Dr. Miller’s building.  The facility is staffed with a psychologist, nurse practitioner, social workers, navigators, and counselors.  Tele-psych with WVU is available, which assists with prescriptions, and a child psychologist tele-health with Kennedy Krieger is also available to serve both children and adults.


A urologist is coming for an interview this week.


They are growing and expanding, 65 jobs have been added over the past several years.  There is a front-line staff that listens to patient experiences and uses the information as a tool for improvement.  Part of the discharge planning with the care team includes making patients aware of the services available to them.


Mark invited John and Shelley to present mygarrettcounty to the hospital and to guide them with setting groups and measures.  Dr. Corder offered to assist with the clinical data.


MLMC – Their addition is targeted to open in April and will serve as an expansion of care.  They have partnered with the hospital to offer primary care to patients of the BH facility.


HOSPICE – They are back on the Maryland Charity Campaign list.  There was a year that they needed to be off, but they are back on.



The Speaker’s Bureau uses funds from a HRSA grant.  Any group or organization may request a speaker or speakers to talk about drugs and alcohol.  Speakers are from prevention, treatment, recovery, law enforcement, state’s attorney office, and medical community.  If anyone is interested in joining the committee or would like a speaker to address a group, please contact Sadie.



With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:53 a.m.  The next HPC meeting is scheduled for February 28, 2019 in the conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Robert Stephens, MS

Health Officer/HPC Secretary


Recorded by BAB

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