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01/15/2020 Meeting Minutes

Ad Hoc Committee on Diabetes’s Docs 01/15/2020 Meeting Minutes


January 15, 2020

Meeting Minutes


THOSE PRESENT:  Steve Putnam, Emilee Friend, Thomas Killian, Robin McGill, Dr. Willis McGill, Shelley Argabrite, John Corbin, Julie Teter, Mitzi Wiltison, George Evans, Amy Ritchie, Kendra McLaughlin, Rebecca Aiken, Dr. William Pope, Dr. Jenny Corder, Bob Stephens, Beth Brenneman and Lisa McCoy by phone.


Bob Stephens called the first meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Diabetes to order at 1:01 p.m. in the conference room of the Garrett County Health Department.


Bob presented data from the State’s Diabetes Action Plan and the need to address this growing problem.


A spreadsheet was created to list existing programs in Garrett County that address prevention, intervention, and treatment.  The spreadsheet will be shared with all the members of the committee and there will be a group on within the Health Planning Council group.


There may be barriers in utilizing services, including transportation, no money or job, or not a time that suits.


Bob received a Health Officer Memorandum from MDH Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Control concerning a Western Maryland Diabetes Prevention Project.  Garrett, Allegany, and Washington Counties are considered to have high-burden populations and they are offering to fund initiatives to address prediabetes. The four objectives are to 1) increase enrollment and retention in the National DPP lifestyle change program; 2) Increase access ad capacity of the National DPP lifestyle change program; 3) Increase sustainability of the National DPP lifestyle change programs and; 4) Reduce risk factors contributing to the development of diabetes (e.g. untreated or uncontrolled hypertension and smoking).


Approximately $65,000 is available to fund each of the three western local health departments and the deadline to submit proposals is February 5, 2020.



  • Link the CDC diabetes risk assessment to websites and make it available at the Health Fair.
  • Invite the Diabetes Association to the Health Fair.
  • Amy and Kendra will work to come up with support to better the CDC Outpatient Diabetes Education Program offered by the hospital.
  • Bob has asked for help in chairing this committee. If you are interesting in being a co-chair, please contact Bob.
  • Include your group and services in the resource guide on

The next meeting is scheduled for February 19, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. in the conference room at the Health Department.


Respectfully Submitted,




Beth A. Brenneman

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