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01/06/2021 Meeting Minutes

Child and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup’s Docs 01/06/2021 Meeting Minutes


January 6, 2021

Virtual Meeting Minutes


THOSE PRESENT:   Fred Polce, Jr., Amber King, Jennifer Brenneman, Shelley Argabrite, Amy Fike, John Corbin, Dr. Karl Schwalm, Mary VanSickle, Dr. Stephanie Sisler, Maria Frantz, Dr. Phil Lauver, Susan Mills, Beth Brenneman


Jennifer Brenneman, Dr. Sisler, Dr. Schwalm, and Mary VanSickle met as a subcommittee to address the issues surrounding adolescent behavioral health.


On January 19, Dr. Schwalm will be meeting with the commissioners to update them of what this group has been done and possible future projects.  He has set up a meeting with Paul Edwards, the athletic directors, and the trainers for the high schools to discuss the wellness physicals and sports issues and is working on setting up a meeting with the Board of Education.


Mountain Laurel Medical Center has adolescent counselors, but they only treat their own patients because billing becomes complicated.  Dr. Schwalm will contact Maria to discuss.


A coordination of care and a letter goes to the provider when one of their patients begins care in Behavioral Health at the Health Department; however, it seems to need updated and the providers need to be made aware that this information can be disclosed.  Jennifer Brenneman will talk to their CQI about revamping their letter.  This will followed up on at next month’s meeting.


Becky Aiken, Karen Devore, and Susan Mills took part of a mindfulness training prior to COVID.  Susan will work with Fred to record 30-60 second videos to explain what “mindfulness” is, then follow-up with more videos that teach calming techniques, etc. 


Shelley updated everyone on Go! Garrett County, which is a link between providers and the Health Department.  There are currently 130 members and the site contains videos, articles, a summary of this workgroup, a link to the provider guide, and resources.  If anyone has information that can be shared with others, a video or an article can be submitted.


Dr. Schwalm shared a possible future project.  He met with Amy Ritchie and they discussed measurements on students.  Some of this is currently done as part of the ninth grade health class, but he would like to see it done even earlier.  The measurements could be blood pressure, pulse, and weight.  The measurements could be done every three years to identify possible health issues.  Dr. Schwalm will reach out to Rodney Glotfelty to introduce this idea, and then he can then take to School Board meetings.


With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 a.m.  The next meeting is scheduled for February 3 at 8:30 a.m.

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