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Author: Sadie Liller

I am an Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Coordinator at the Garrett County Health Department. I love shoes!


2019 Maryland Public Opinion Survey Now Available

Are you a Maryland resident? Please consider taking a 10-minute survey about drug use in your community for a chance to win up to $100! If you are 18 years or older and live in Maryland, take the survey by going to Your responses are anonymous and we value your input!


Crellin Opioid Town Hall Meeting

For event details, please visit the Facebook event page at:

Overdose Awareness Day

International Overdose Awareness Day takes place on August 31, 2017. This event is taking place to raise awareness that overdose affects all walks of life and is preventable. Guest speakers Taylor Day, Jean Tumbarello, Matt Friend, and Josh Duckworth will talk about how the walk of addiction has affected their lives. The walk of life will start promptly at 7:00pm. Speaker presentations and a candle light vigil will begin after the walk. Funded by BHA and SAMHSA. Check out the event page here:

If Only Showing Scheduled for May 17, 2017

If Only – Trailer from Millennium Health on Vimeo. If only is a short film from the Mark Wahlberg Youth Foundation.It is intended for teens,parents and adults to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug misuse and abuse and to start a conversation that encourages the safe use,storage and disposal of prescription drugs to keep them out of the hands of youth.

We need your feedback!

You are being asked to take part in a research study that explores the perceptions, awareness and use of prescription opioids and heroin in your community. We value your opinions and appreciate your participation. This survey was designed for residents of Garrett County who are 18 years or older. Please do NOT take this survey if you are under 18 OR if you live outside of Garrett County. If you agree to participate in this anonymous study, you will be asked to complete a one-time-only online survey that will take approximately 10 minutes. Thank you for your time to complete this survey. The more surveys that are completed, the more reliable the data, and the closer we come to reaching our goal: to reduce the number of overdose fatalities in Garrett County. To take the new survey, please visit from your computer, phone, or tablet. Thank you!

Opioid Survey

New community survey available!

YOUR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU! Please take a moment to complete a 10-minute survey about prescription opioids and heroin in your community. Click the card below or visit to take the brief survey today. Participants will be entered into a drawing for a $50 gift card to Browning’s Shop N’ Save in Oakland, Maryland.

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