We’ve brought you another short video showcasing the community profile features of mygarrettcounty.com! Please take a few seconds to watch this brief video to learn how to update/complete your community profile, and add additional profile links to your organization through your Health Planning Tool forum account. Don’t forget to request additional tips, tricks, and tutorials on the New Users Tutorials board! mygarrettcounty.com My Profile Demo from Garrett Health on Vimeo.
We’ve compiled this short video to show you how simple it is to upload, submit, and share documents using the GarrettHealth.org My Cloud feature!
GarrettGuide.org is currently under development, and will be released on November 1, 2016. This website will serve multiple functions as a planning tool, informational data hub, and community improvement resource. Please check back soon for additional information, and feel free to pre-register for your account now. Thanks from the team at GCHD!