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Author: James Michaels

Love my family, love my community and love educating others how to live a healthy life filled with love and success. I love my jobs and am thankful to work with youth.

Partners After School at Oakland Summer Program

Click here to access the 2017 Summer Program application!


Highlighting Youth Engagement

At Southern Middle School in Garrett County, third through eighth grade students further their education by participating in various enrichment activities where Health Department staff and AmeriCorps Members serve meals and assists with their academic studies. Partners After School @ Oakland program is important because students are provided with a safe, fun environment where their gifts and skill sets are enhanced through various learning environments and play.

Parents Matter!

“You are your child’s most important teacher” Adult Class Being Offered – Parents Matter! Parents Matter! Class being offered at GCHD on Saturday, April 22 and 29, from  9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Lunch is provided. This is a 12.5 hour Evidence-Based Intervention for Parents of Pre-Adolescent  Youth.  The Parents Matter! Program (PMP) is designed to increase parents’ awareness of the need to be the sex educators for their children, and to provide opportunities for parents to build positive parenting skills.