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Author: JudyCenter LearningBeyondtheClassroom

"Supporting teachers, children, and families in achieving school readiness."

March News

Friendsville Reading Night

March 22, 2017 from 4pm-5pm at Friendsville Elementary School. *Target age: Birth to 5 *Social time, story and craft time, snack time, and each child leaves with a free book supplied by the Garrett County Judy Center* For questions call 301-334-4211 Sponsored by the Judy Center and Friendsville’s Title I program.

Learning Beyond the Classroom is Back!

Learning Beyond the Classroom schedule for March through May 2017. We are back in March with all kinds of new exciting activities, come learn with us! ** Follow us on Facebook**

PreK and K Registration

PreK and Kindergarten registration opens up on February 1, 2017. Apply online or pick up application from the school in your district.