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Author: Cheryl DeBerry

I'm a local food & farm advocate, farmer, and work for Garrett County Economic Development

Become a Master Gardener – Training Class starts next week

Are you interested in serving your community and learning more about home gardening? A Master Gardener is someone who is eager to learn and ready to better the community through volunteering.  The Master Gardener program began in 1978 as a way of extending horticulture and pest management services to the general public.  Today, the Master Gardener mission of educating Maryland residents about safe, effective, and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities is more important than ever. The Master Gardener Basic Training course will be every Tuesday evening, March 7th – May 23rd, at the University of Maryland Extension office in Mt. Lake Park from 5:30-8:30pm. The cost is $110 and includes the class material and the Master Gardener Handbook. In order to become a certified Maryland Master Gardener, participants will be asked to donate 40 hours of community service through educational outreach activities. Sign up today to learn more about soils, botany, fertilizers, plant propagation, plant diseases, insects, ecology, herbs, and much more.   Please call the University of Maryland Extension Office in Garrett County at 301-334-6960 or email [email protected] for a course syllabus. Like our Facebook page at 


Get fresh produce all summer long with a local CSA farm!

Several local farms have CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) programs.  You prepay the season and get a basket full of fresh farm products all summer long.  Some even deliver in parts of Garrett County. I have created a list of them on the website here: Check them out!