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Announcing a New Web Series to Document the COVID-19 Vaccination Process and Answer Your Questions

Jennifer & Jessica Explain It All is a new web series and joint partnership to explore the COVID-19 vaccination process as it begins in Garrett County.

School Health Nurses Jennifer Knauff, RN, BSN and Jessica M. Carey, RN, BSN begin a new series today to help explain the COVID-19 vaccination process and answer community COVID-19 questions through a weekly web series as follows (for the duration of the series):

  • Each Monday, we will post a call for questions from the community.
  • Each Wednesday, Jennifer and Jessica will provide a digital “diary” update documenting their own vaccination journeys.
  • Each Friday, Jennifer and Jessica will share vlogs (video blogs) answering our community’s top questions that have been submitted via Monday’s call for questions.

Today, we invite you to watch Jennifer & Jessica’s introduction videos to get to know the stars of our fun and informative new web series:

For any questions or media inquiries, please email [email protected]. Thank you for joining us on this exciting new journey!

Special thanks to Garrett County Health Department’s Director of Nursing Jennifer Lee-Steckman, CNM, MSN, RN for coordinating this joint partnership.

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Written by John Corbin
Garrett County Health Department Population Health, Innovation, & Informatics Unit
  1. Can 75 year olds and up register for COVID -19 vaccination.? Will this population also be vaccinated at the MEDCO building in Accident?


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