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Karl Schwalm


Active 2 years ago
  • Karl Schwalm posted an update in the group Group logo of Child and Adolescent Wellness WorkgroupChild and Adolescent Wellness Workgroup 2 years, 7 months ago

    Minutes from Teen Pregnancy Subcommittee, which met 8/16/2022, 8-9AM, virtually.
    Members present were: Jennifer Corder, Jennifer Lee-Steckman, Heather Cooper, Dr. Sotiere Savopoulos, Susan Mills, Karl Schwalm
    Purpose of the meeting: To explore further where we want to go in addressing the problem of teen pregnancy in Garrett County.
    Karl gave a brief summary of the last Adolescent and Child Health Work Group meeting from August 3, 2022, when Heather Cooper presented statistics relating to teen pregnancy
    Dr. Savopoulos questioned the statistics relating to teen pregnancy in our county. He pointed out that “teen pregnancy” is defined as live births to a teen. Jurisdictions which have a higher number of elective abortions would have a proportionately lower teen pregnancy rate than a jurisdiction with fewer abortions. The feeling, however, is that although that might be true, we still have too many teen pregnancies.
    Someone asked if the new school health curriculum will be including anything about healthy relationships, self-esteem, avoiding coerced sexual situations.
    Jennifer Lee Steckman felt that at one time “experts” were brought into the schools to teach on various health topics, but that is less so the case now. She feels that those teaching health may not have the expertise, and that the substance of what is taught varies widely from class to class or school to school. She is worried that the content is not evidence-based.
    Dr. Savopoulos mentioned that when children come in for required shots at the age of 11-12, they may just be getting shots and no wellness check-up. He suggested that we look into interesting all providers in requiring a wellness check rather than just giving shots–giving providers an opportunity to address things like healthy relationships, birth control, etc.
    Dr. Corder expressed the opinion that we should aim for school health clinics as a means to address these problems. She feels pretty strongly about that. Dr. Savopoulos has concerns about that idea because it may take the parents out of the equation. Dr. Schwalm then added that there are many parents who do not parent in the county, and we’re trying to help those kids.
    Action Items:
    1. Dr. Schwalm and at least one other committee member will see about attending a hospital obstetrics department meeting in order to present this problem to delivering physicians, get their opinions about the issue of teen pregnancy and see what ideas they have regarding possible solutions.
    2. Heather Cooper will be attending the School Health Council Meeting at the end of this month and present this item for consideration. Susan Mills has expressed an interest in joining that council.
    3. Dr. Schwalm will work with Dr. Savopoulos on a plan to approach providers in the county regarding the teen pregnancy issue and about emphasizing annual check-ups and including healthy relationship discussions with pediatric patients and their parents.
    Next Meeting Date: tentatively Sept. 20, 8-9AM