Kendra McLaughlin posted an update in the group Ad Hoc Committee on Diabetes 4 years, 6 months ago
Health Education and Outreach at the health department is partnering with worksites, community planning groups, after school programs, and Youth in Action Teams to promote healthy eating, physical activity and access to community resources. Through pre- and post-testing (although currently hindered by COVID-19), we measure BMI and blood pressure on adults, as well as knowledge and behaviors; and on youth we measure cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, knowledge and behaviors. This work probably correlates best with the measures and action steps suggested in the Healthy Weight Population.
Through the Western MD Diabetes Prevention Program grant, our work focuses more on the measures suggested in the Reducing Overweight and Obese Populations and the Prediabetes and Gestational Diabetes Populations. This work is done in partnership with Mitzi at Garrett Regional Medical Center, and I see she has already commented about that.