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Shelley Argabrite


Active 2 days, 11 hours ago
  • Shelley Argabrite posted an update in the group Group logo of Ad Hoc Committee on DiabetesAd Hoc Committee on Diabetes 4 years, 6 months ago

    An HSCRC diabetes measures workgroup has been organized by Anne Langley, JD, MPH from the Center for Population Health Initiatives.  Our job is to identify the measures, milestones, and targets that will be used by CMS to evaluate Maryland’s performance in the Diabetes priority area under Total Population Health.  Critical questions for the group include what metrics are feasible to move in 5 years, is reliable data available, and are the measures clinically meaningful.  
    I’m representing local health departments in Maryland on the workgroup and would like your feedback about the measure(s) you feel we can demonstrate the most impact on a population level based on the work you are already doing or are planning to implement. 
    Here’s a link to the Diabetes Action Plan,  the goals and objectives start on page 45.
    Your helpful feedback and thoughtful considerations will be used for me to provide a detailed explanation of which measures Garrett County partners are equipped to pursue and why.