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Gillian Shreve


Active 1 week, 3 days ago
  • Gillian Shreve posted an update in the group Group logo of Western Maryland Food Council: Garrett County Work GroupsWestern Maryland Food Council: Garrett County Work Groups 5 years, 1 month ago

    We now have registration open for the 2020 WMFC Conference. You can view the conference information on the web page at and click on conference at the top of the page. (more than just the save the date postcard). We have registration open through eventbrite or by calling the Allegany County Office. We also have farmer scholarship being sponsored by Future Harvest. We have over 30 farmer scholarship available. Hopeful we can use all of these. From the webpage farmers need to fill out an application then we will mail them a code that will allow them to register for free. Please help use promote the conference. Send out to any email list that you might have. If you need printed copies or would like us to mail to a list please let us know. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks