Juliet Sanders


Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago
  • Juliet Sanders posted an update in the group Group logo of Garrett County Apprenticeship ProgramGarrett County Apprenticeship Program 4 years, 5 months ago

    Health-related social needs for Opportunity Youth serve as a barrier to improved health outcomes. To address socially determined factors related to health, such as employment, the Garrett County Local Management Board is pursuing a Maryland registered apprenticeship program.

    In December 2019, a Committee was convened with broad stakeholder representation across Garrett County, including public schools, Garrett College, Community Action, Department of Social Services, Department of Juvenile Services, Western Maryland Consortium, Economic Development, Chamber of Commerce, Maryland Rural Health Association, and Maryland Department of Labor and Licensing. The Committee is actively engaged in discussions around viable career tracks for both high school youth and adults.

    If you have an interest in serving on the Committee or would like to learn more about apprenticeship objectives of the Local Management Board, please contact Jennifer Barnhart, President, LUMA Health Consulting: [email protected]

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